Source code for renormalizer.utils.configs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from enum import Enum
import logging

from renormalizer.utils.rk import RungeKutta, TaylorExpansion
import scipy.linalg
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BondDimDistri(Enum): """ Bond dimension distribution """ # here the `#:` syntax is for sphinx documentation. #: uniform distribution. uniform = "uniform" #: Guassian distribution which peaks at the center. center_gauss = "center gaussian"
[docs]class CompressCriteria(Enum): """ Criteria for compression. """ #: Compress depending on pre-set threshold. #: States with singular value smaller than the threshold are discarded. threshold = "threshold" #: Compress depending on pre-set fixed bond dimension. fixed = "fixed" #: Compress combining ``threshold`` and ``fixed``. The bond dimension for the two criteria are both #: calculated and the smaller one is used. both = "both"
[docs]class OFS(Enum): """ On the fly swapping criteria """ # based on entanglement entropy ofs_s = "OFS-S" # a hybrid scheme ofs_ds = "OFS-D/S" # based on discarded weight ofs_d = "OFS-D" # debug mode. Dry run the code without performing the swapping ofs_debug = "OFS-Debug"
[docs]class CompressConfig: """MPS/MPO Compress Configuration. Parameters ---------- criteria : `CompressCriteria`, optional The criteria for compression. Default is `CompressCriteria.threshold`. threshold : float, optional The threshold to keep states if ``criteria`` is set to `CompressCriteria.threshold` or `CompressCriteria.both`. Default is :math:`10^{-3}`. bonddim_distri : `BondDimDistri`, optional Bond dimension distribution if ``criteria`` is set to `CompressCriteria.fixed` or `CompressCriteria.both`. Default is `BondDimDistri.uniform`. max_bonddim : int, optional Maximum bond dimension ``M`` under various bond dimension distributions. Default is 32. vmethod : str, optional The algorithm used in variational compression. The default is ``2site``. - ``1site``: optimize one site at a time during sweep. - ``2site``: optimize two site at a time during sweep. Note ---- It is recommended to use the 2site algorithm in variational optimization, though 1site algorithm is much cheaper. The reason is that 1site algorithm is easy to stuck into local minima while 2site algorithm is more robust. For complicated Hamiltonian, the problem is severer. The renormalized basis selection rule used here to partly solve the local minimal problem is according to Chan. J. Chem. Phys. 2004, 120, 3172. For efficiency, you could use 2site algorithm for several sweeps and then switch to 1site algorithm to converge the final mps. vprocedure : list, optional The procedure to do variational compression. In the sublist, the first element is a CompressConfig, which controls the compression in each sweep. For backward compatibility, it can also be an int, which indicates CompressCriteria.fixed with the int as the max_bonddim. The Default is .. code-block:: if vmethod == "1site": vprocedure = [[max_bonddim,1.0],[max_bonddim,0.7], [max_bonddim,0.5],[max_bonddim,0.3], [max_bonddim,0.1]] + [[max_bonddim,0],]*10 else: vprocedure = [[max_bonddim,0.5],[max_bonddim,0.3], [max_bonddim,0.1]] + [[max_bonddim,0],]*10 vrtol : float, optional The threshold of convergence in variational compression. Default is :math:`10^{-5}`. vguess_m : tuple(int), optional The bond dimension of ``compressed_mpo`` and ``compressed_mps`` to construct the initial guess ``compressed_mpo @ compressed_mps`` in `MatrixProduct.variational_compress`. The default is (5,5). dump_matrix_size : int or float, optional The total bytes threshold for dumping matrix into disks. Every local site matrix in the MPS/MPO with a size larger than the specified size will be moved from memory to the disk at ``dump_matrix_dir``. The matrix will be moved back to memory upon access. The dumped matrices on the disks will be removed once the MPS/MPO is garbage-collected. Note ---- If ``dump_matrix_size`` is set and the program exits abnormally, it is possible that the dumped matrices are not deleted automatically. A common case when this can happen is that the program is killed by a signal. In such cases it is recommended to check and clean ``dump_matrix_dir`` after the exit of the program since the dumped matrices may take a lot of disk space. dump_matrix_dir : str, optional The directory to dump matrix when matrix is larger than ``dump_matrix_size``. ofs : `OFS`, optional Whether optimize the DOF ordering by OFS. The default value is ``None`` which means does not perform OFS. ofs_swap_jw : bool, optional Whether swap the Jordan-Wigner transformation ordering when OFS is enabled. Set to ``True`` for and only for ab initio Hamiltonian constructed by the experimental ``renormalizer.model.h_qc.qc_model``. Default is ``False``. See Also -------- CompressCriteria : Compression criteria : Variational compression renormalizer.mps.Mpo.contract : compress ``mpo @ mps/mpdm/mpo`` """ def __init__( self, criteria: CompressCriteria = CompressCriteria.threshold, threshold: float = 1e-3, bonddim_distri: BondDimDistri = BondDimDistri.uniform, max_bonddim: int = 32, vmethod: str = "2site", vprocedure = None, vrtol = 1e-5, vguess_m = (5,5), dump_matrix_size = np.inf, dump_matrix_dir = "./", ofs: OFS = None, ofs_swap_jw: bool = False ): # two sets of criteria here: threshold and max_bonddimension # `criteria` is to determine which to use self.criteria: CompressCriteria = criteria self._threshold = None self.threshold = threshold self.bond_dim_distribution: BondDimDistri = bonddim_distri self.bond_dim_max_value = max_bonddim # not in arg list, but still useful in some cases self.bond_dim_min_value = 1 # the length should be len(mps) + 1, the terminals are also counted. This is for accordance with mps.bond_dims self.max_dims: np.ndarray = None self.min_dims: np.ndarray = None # variational compression parameters self.vmethod = vmethod if vprocedure is None: if vmethod == "1site": vprocedure = [[max_bonddim,1.0],[max_bonddim,0.7], [max_bonddim,0.5],[max_bonddim,0.3], [max_bonddim,0.1]] + [[max_bonddim,0],]*10 else: vprocedure = [[max_bonddim,0.5],[max_bonddim,0.3], [max_bonddim,0.1]] + [[max_bonddim,0],]*10 self.vprocedure = vprocedure self.vrtol = vrtol self.vguess_m = vguess_m self.dump_matrix_size = dump_matrix_size self.dump_matrix_dir = dump_matrix_dir self.ofs: OFS = ofs self.ofs_swap_jw: bool = ofs_swap_jw @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, v): if v <= 0: raise ValueError("non-positive threshold") elif v == 1: raise ValueError("1 is an ambiguous threshold") elif 1 < v: raise ValueError("Can't set threshold to be larger than 1") self._threshold = v
[docs] def set_bonddim(self, length, max_value=None): if self.criteria is CompressCriteria.threshold: raise ValueError("compress config is using threshold criteria") if max_value is None: assert self.bond_dim_max_value is not None max_value = self.bond_dim_max_value else: self.bond_dim_max_value = max_value if max_value is None: raise ValueError("max value is not set") if self.bond_dim_distribution is BondDimDistri.uniform: self.max_dims = np.full(length, max_value, dtype=int) else: half_length = length // 2 x = np.arange(- half_length, - half_length + length) sigma = half_length / np.sqrt(np.log(max_value / 3)) seq = list(max_value * np.exp(-(x / sigma) ** 2)) self.max_dims = np.int64(seq) assert not (self.max_dims == 0).any() self.min_dims = np.full(length, self.bond_dim_min_value, dtype=int)
def _threshold_m_trunc(self, sigma: np.ndarray) -> int: assert 0 < self.threshold < 1 # count how many sing vals < trunc normed_sigma = sigma / scipy.linalg.norm(sigma) return int(np.sum(normed_sigma > self.threshold)) def _fixed_m_trunc(self, sigma: np.ndarray, idx: int, left: bool) -> int: assert self.max_dims is not None bond_idx = idx + 1 if left else idx return min(self.max_dims[bond_idx], len(sigma))
[docs] def compute_m_trunc(self, sigma: np.ndarray, idx: int, left: bool) -> int: if self.criteria is CompressCriteria.threshold: trunc = self._threshold_m_trunc(sigma) elif self.criteria is CompressCriteria.fixed: trunc = self._fixed_m_trunc(sigma, idx, left) elif self.criteria is CompressCriteria.both: # use the smaller one trunc = min( self._threshold_m_trunc(sigma), self._fixed_m_trunc(sigma, idx, left) ) else: assert False if self.min_dims is not None: bond_idx = idx if left else idx + 1 min_trunc = min(self.min_dims[bond_idx], len(sigma)) trunc = max(trunc, min_trunc) return trunc
[docs] def update(self, other: "CompressConfig"): # use the stricter of the two if self.criteria != other.criteria: raise ValueError("Can't update configs with different standard") # look for minimum self.threshold = min(self.threshold, other.threshold) # look for maximum if self.max_dims is None: self.max_dims = other.max_dims elif other.max_dims is None: pass # do nothing else: self.max_dims = np.maximum(self.max_dims, other.max_dims)
[docs] def relax(self): # relax the two criteria simultaneously self.threshold = min( self.threshold * 3, 0.9 ) # can't set to 1 which is ambiguous if self.max_dims is not None: self.max_dims = np.maximum( np.int64(self.max_dims * 0.8), np.full_like(self.max_dims, 2) )
[docs] def copy(self) -> "CompressConfig": new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) # shallow copies new.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() # deep copies if self.max_dims is not None: new.max_dims = self.max_dims.copy() if self.min_dims is not None: new.min_dims = self.min_dims.copy() return new
@property def bonddim_should_set(self): return self.criteria is not CompressCriteria.threshold and self.max_dims is None def __str__(self): attrs = ["criteria", "threshold"] lines = [] for attr in attrs: attr_value = getattr(self, attr) lines.append(f"\n{attr}: {attr_value}") return "".join(lines)
[docs]class OptimizeConfig: r""" DMRG ground state algorithm optimization configuration The procedure to do ground state optimization. In the sublist, the first element is a CompressConfig, which controls the compression in each sweep. For backward compatibility, it can also be an int, which indicates CompressCriteria.fixed with the int as the max_bonddim. The second element is the percent to choose the renormalied basis from each symmetry block to avoid trapping into local minimum. """ def __init__(self, procedure=None): if procedure is None: self.procedure = [[10, 0.4], [20, 0.2], [30, 0.1], [40, 0], [40, 0]] else: self.procedure = procedure self.method = "2site" # algo: arpack(Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method) # davidson(pyscf/davidson) # primme (if installed) self.algo = "davidson" self.nroots = 1 # the ground state energy convergence tolerance self.e_rtol = 1e-6 self.e_atol = 1e-8 # inverse = 1.0 or -1.0 # -1.0 to get the largest eigenvalue self.inverse = 1.0
[docs] def copy(self): new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() new.procedure = self.procedure.copy() return new
[docs]class EvolveMethod(Enum): """ Time evolution methods. """ # propagation and compression with RK45 propagator and time independent H prop_and_compress = "P&C" # propagation and compression with RK4 propagator and time dependent/independent H prop_and_compress_tdrk4 = "P&C TD RK4" # propagation and compression with RK propagator and time dependent/independent H prop_and_compress_tdrk = "P&C TD RK" # TDVP with projector splitting - one site tdvp_ps = "TDVP PS one-site" # TDVP with projector splitting - two site tdvp_ps2 = "TDVP PS two-site" # TDVP with variable mean field (VMF) tdvp_vmf = "TDVP Variable Mean Field" # TDVP with constant mean field (CMF) and matrix unfolding (MU) regularization tdvp_mu_cmf = "TDVP Matrix Unfolding Constant Mean Field" # TDVP with variable mean field (VMF) and matrix unfolding (MU) regularization tdvp_mu_vmf = "TDVP Matrix Unfolding Variable Mean Field"
[docs]def parse_memory_limit(x) -> float: if x is None: return float("inf") try: return float(x) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass try: x_str = str(x) num, unit = x_str.split() unit = unit.lower() mapping = {"kb": 2 ** 10, "mb": 2 ** 20, "gb": 2 ** 30} return float(num) * mapping[unit] except: # might error when converting to str, but the message is clear enough. raise ValueError(f"invalid input for memory: {x}")
[docs]class EvolveConfig: def __init__( self, method: EvolveMethod = EvolveMethod.prop_and_compress, adaptive=False, guess_dt=1e-1, adaptive_rtol=5e-4, taylor_order:int = None, rk_solver="C_RK4", reg_epsilon=1e-10, ivp_rtol=1e-5, ivp_atol=1e-8, ivp_solver="krylov", force_ovlp=True ): self.method = method self.adaptive = adaptive self.rk_config = RungeKutta(rk_solver) if taylor_order is None: if adaptive: taylor_order = 5 else: taylor_order = 4 self.taylor_config = TaylorExpansion(taylor_order) self.guess_dt: complex = guess_dt # a guess of initial adaptive time step self.adaptive_rtol = adaptive_rtol self.tdvp_cmf_midpoint = True self.tdvp_cmf_c_trapz = False # regularization parameter in tdvp_mu or tdvp_std method self.reg_epsilon: float = reg_epsilon # scipy.ivp rtol and atol self.ivp_rtol: float = ivp_rtol self.ivp_atol: float = ivp_atol self.ivp_solver : str = ivp_solver # the EOM has already considered the non-orthogonality of the left and right # renormalized basis, see arXiv:1907.12044 self.force_ovlp: bool = force_ovlp # auto switch between mu_vmf and vmf for a higher efficiency self.vmf_auto_switch: bool = True @property def is_tdvp(self): return self.method not in [EvolveMethod.prop_and_compress, EvolveMethod.prop_and_compress_tdrk4, EvolveMethod.prop_and_compress_tdrk]
[docs] def check_valid_dt(self, evolve_dt: complex): info_str = f"in config: {self.guess_dt}, in arg: {evolve_dt}" if np.iscomplex(evolve_dt) ^ np.iscomplex(self.guess_dt): raise ValueError("real and imag not compatible. " + info_str) if (np.iscomplex(evolve_dt) and evolve_dt.imag * self.guess_dt.imag < 0) or \ (not np.iscomplex(evolve_dt) and evolve_dt * self.guess_dt < 0): raise ValueError("evolve into wrong direction. " + info_str)
[docs] def copy(self): new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() return new
def __str__(self): attrs = list(self.__dict__.keys()) lines = [] for attr in attrs: attr_value = getattr(self, attr) lines.append(f"\n{attr}: {attr_value}") return "".join(lines)