Source code for renormalizer.mps.mps

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from collections import Counter, deque
from functools import wraps, reduce
from typing import Union, List, Dict
import itertools

import scipy
from scipy import stats

from renormalizer.lib import solve_ivp, expm_krylov
from renormalizer.model import Model, Op, basis as ba
from renormalizer.mps import svd_qn
from renormalizer.mps.svd_qn import add_outer, get_qn_mask
from renormalizer.mps.backend import backend, np, xp
from renormalizer.mps.lib import (
from renormalizer.mps.matrix import (
from import MatrixProduct
from renormalizer.mps.hop_expr import hop_expr
from renormalizer.mps.mpo import Mpo
from renormalizer.utils import (
from renormalizer.utils.utils import calc_vn_entropy, calc_vn_entropy_dm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def adaptive_tdvp(fun):
    # evolve t/2 (twice) and t to obtain the O(dt^3) error term in 2nd-order Trotter decomposition
    # J. Chem. Phys. 146, 174107 (2017)

    def adaptive_fun(self: "Mps", mpo, evolve_target_t):

        if not self.evolve_config.adaptive:
            return fun(self, mpo, evolve_target_t)
        config: EvolveConfig = self.evolve_config.copy()

        cur_mps = self
        # prevent bug
        del self

        # setup some constant
        p_restart = 0.5  # restart threshold
        p_min = 0.1  # safeguard for minimal allowed p
        p_max = 2.  # safeguard for maximal allowed p

        evolved_t = 0

        while True:

            dt = min_abs(config.guess_dt, evolve_target_t - evolved_t)
                    f"guess_dt: {config.guess_dt}, try time step size: {dt}"
            mps_half1 = fun(cur_mps, mpo, dt / 2)
            mps_half2 = fun(mps_half1, mpo, dt / 2)
            mps = fun(cur_mps, mpo, dt)
            dis = mps.distance(mps_half2)

            # prevent bug. save "some" memory.
            del mps_half1, mps

            p = (0.75 * config.adaptive_rtol / (dis/mps_half2.mp_norm + 1e-30)) ** (1./3)
            logger.debug(f"distance: {dis}, enlarge p parameter: {p}")
            if p < p_min:
                p = p_min
            if p_max < p:
                p = p_max

            # rejected
            if p < p_restart:
                config.guess_dt = dt * p
                    f"evolution not converged, new guess_dt: {config.guess_dt}"

            # accepted
            evolved_t += dt
            if np.allclose(evolved_t, evolve_target_t):
                # normal exit. Note that `dt` could be much less than actually tolerated for the last step
                # so use `guess_dt` for the last step. Slight inaccuracy won't harm.
                mps_half2.evolve_config.guess_dt = config.guess_dt
                    f"evolution converged, new guess_dt: {mps_half2.evolve_config.guess_dt}"
                return mps_half2
                # in this case `config.guess_dt == dt`
                config.guess_dt *= p
                logger.debug(f"sub-step {dt} further, evolved: {evolved_t}, new guess_dt: {config.guess_dt}")
                cur_mps = mps_half2

    return adaptive_fun

[docs]class Mps(MatrixProduct):
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, model: Model, qntot, m_max, percent=1.0) -> "Mps": # a high percent makes the result more random # sometimes critical for getting correct optimization result mps = cls() mps.model = model if isinstance(qntot, int): qntot = np.array([qntot]) qn_size = len(qntot) assert qn_size == model.qn_size mps.qn = [np.zeros((1, qn_size), dtype=int)] dim_list = [1] for imps in range(model.nsite - 1): # quantum number qnbig = add_outer(mps.qn[imps], mps._get_sigmaqn(imps)).reshape(-1, qn_size) u_set = [] s_set = [] qnset = [] for iblock in set([tuple(t) for t in qnbig]): if np.all(np.array(qntot) < np.array(iblock)): continue # find the quantum number index indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(qnbig) if tuple(x) == iblock] assert len(indices) != 0 a = np.random.random([len(indices), len(indices)]) - 0.5 a = a + a.T s, u = scipy.linalg.eigh(a=a) u_set.append(svd_qn.blockrecover(indices, u, len(qnbig))) s_set.append(s) qnset += [iblock] * len(indices) u_set = np.concatenate(u_set, axis=1) s_set = np.concatenate(s_set) mt, mpsdim, mpsqn, nouse = select_basis( u_set, s_set, qnset, u_set, m_max, percent=percent ) # add the next mpsdim dim_list.append(mpsdim) mps.append(mt.reshape((dim_list[imps], -1, dim_list[imps + 1]))) mps.qn.append(mpsqn) # the last site mps.qn.append(np.zeros((1, qn_size), dtype=int)) dim_list.append(1) last_mt = ( xp.random.random([dim_list[-2], mps.pbond_list[-1], dim_list[-1]]) - 0.5 ) # set elements with wrong qn to zero qnmat = add_outer(mps.qn[-2], model.basis[-1].sigmaqn) qnmask = get_qn_mask(qnmat, qntot) last_mt[~qnmask] = 0 # normalize the mt so that the whole mps is normalized last_mt /= xp.linalg.norm(last_mt.flatten()) mps.append(last_mt) mps.qnidx = len(mps) - 1 mps.to_right = False mps.qntot = np.array(qntot) return mps
[docs] @classmethod def hartree_product_state(cls, model, condition: Dict, qn_idx:int=None): r""" Construct a Hartree product state Args: model (:class:`~renormalizer.model.Model`): Model information. condition (Dict): Dict with format ``{dof:local_state}``. The default local state for dofs not specified is the "0" state. An example is ``{"e_1":1, "v_0":2, "v_3":[0, 0.707, 0.707]}``. Note: If there are bases that contain multiple dofs in the model, the value of the dict is the state of all dofs of the basis. For example, if a basis contains ``"e_1"``, ``"e_2"`` and ``"e_3"``, ``{"e_1": 2}`` (``{"e_1": [0, 0, 1]}``) means ``"e_3"`` is occupied and ``{"e_1": 1}`` (``{"e_1": [0, 1, 0]}``) means ``"e_2"`` is occupied. Be aware that in :class:`renormalizer.BasisMultiElectronVac` the vacuum state is added to the ``0`` index. qn_idx (int): the site index of the quantum number center. Returns: Constructed mps (:class:`Mps`) """ mps = cls() mps.model = model mps.build_empty_mp(model.nsite) qn_size = model.qn_size mps.qn = [np.zeros((1, qn_size), dtype=int)] # check that the condition is not duplicated # each site has at most 1 single key to assign the occupation index = [model.dof_to_siteidx[key] for key in condition.keys()] assert len(index) == len(set(index)) # replace the dof_name key to site_index key condition = {model.dof_to_siteidx[key]:value for key, value in condition.items()} for isite, local_basis in enumerate(model.basis): pdim = local_basis.nbas ms = np.zeros((1, pdim, 1)) local_state = condition.pop(isite,0) if isinstance(local_state, int): ms[0, local_state, 0] = 1. qn = local_basis.sigmaqn[local_state] else: ms[0, :, 0] = local_state # quantum numbers for all states occupied all_qn = np.array(local_basis.sigmaqn)[np.nonzero(local_state)] if not np.allclose(all_qn.std(axis=0), 0): raise ValueError("Quantum numbers are mixed in the condition.") qn = all_qn[0] mps[isite] = ms mps.qn.append(mps.qn[-1] + qn.reshape(1, qn_size)) if len(condition) != 0: raise ValueError(f"Condition not completely used: {condition}") mps.qntot = mps.qn[-1][0] mps.qnidx = model.nsite if qn_idx is None: qn_idx = model.nsite - 1 mps.move_qnidx(qn_idx) mps.to_right = False return mps
[docs] @classmethod def ground_state(cls, model: Model, max_entangled: bool, normalize:bool=True, condition:Dict=None): r""" Obtain ground state at :math:`T = 0` or :math:`T = \infty` (maximum entangled). Electronic DOFs are always at ground state. and vibrational DOFs depend on ``max_entangled``. For Spin-Boson model the electronic DOF also depends on ``max_entangled``. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~renormalizer.model.Model` system information. max_entangled : bool temperature of the vibrational DOFs. If set to ``True``, :math:`T = \infty` and if set to ``False``, :math:`T = 0`. normalize: bool, optional if the returned Mps are normalized when ``max_entangled=True``. Default is True. If ``normalize=False``, the vibrational part is identity. condition: dict, optional the same as `hartree_product_state`. only used in ba.BasisMultiElectron cases to define the occupation. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- mps : renormalizer.mps.Mps """ mps = cls() mps.model = model mps.qn = [np.zeros((1, model.qn_size), dtype=int)] * (model.nsite + 1) mps.qnidx = model.nsite - 1 mps.to_right = False mps.qntot = np.zeros(model.qn_size, dtype=int) mps.build_empty_mp(model.nsite) if condition is not None: # check that the condition is not duplicated # each site has at most 1 single key to assign the occupation index = [model.dof_to_siteidx[key] for key in condition.keys()] assert len(index) == len(set(index)) # replace the dof_name key to site_index key condition = {model.dof_to_siteidx[key]:value for key, value in condition.items()} for isite, local_basis in enumerate(model.basis): pdim = local_basis.nbas ms = np.zeros((1, pdim, 1)) if local_basis.is_phonon: if max_entangled: if normalize: ms[0, :, 0] = 1.0 / np.sqrt(pdim) else: ms[0, :, 0] = 1.0 else: ms[0, 0, 0] = 1.0 mps[isite] = ms elif local_basis.is_electron or local_basis.is_spin: if isinstance(local_basis, ba.BasisSimpleElectron): # simple electron site ms[0,0,0] = 1. elif isinstance(local_basis, ba.BasisMultiElectron): assert condition is not None local_state = condition.pop(isite) if isinstance(local_state, int): ms[0, local_state, 0] = 1. qn = local_basis.sigmaqn[local_state] else: ms[0, :, 0] = local_state qn = local_basis.sigmaqn[np.nonzero(local_state)] assert np.allclose(qn, 0) if max_entangled and normalize: ms /= np.linalg.norm(ms) elif isinstance(local_basis, ba.BasisMultiElectronVac): ms[0,0,0] = 1. elif isinstance(local_basis, ba.BasisHalfSpin): if max_entangled: if normalize: ms[0,:,0] = 1. / np.sqrt(2.) else: ms[0,:,0] = 1. else: ms[0,0,0] = 1. else: raise NotImplementedError mps[isite] = ms for ms in mps: assert ms is not None return mps
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, model: Model, fname: str): npload = np.load(fname, allow_pickle=True) mp = cls() mp.model = model nsites = int(npload["nsites"]) for i in range(nsites): mt = npload[f"mt_{i}"] if np.iscomplexobj(mt): mp.dtype = backend.complex_dtype else: mp.dtype = backend.real_dtype mp.append(mt) version = npload["version"] mp.qn = npload["qn"] mp.qnidx = int(npload["qnidx"]) mp.qntot = npload["qntot"].astype(int) if version == "0.1": mp.to_right = bool(npload["left"]) # in this protocol, TDH and coeff is not dumped logger.warning("Using old dump/load protocol. TD Hartree part will be lost") mp.coeff = 1 elif version == "0.2": mp.to_right = bool(npload["to_right"]) # in this protocol, TDH is dumped, but it's not useful anymore logger.warning("Using old dump/load protocol. TD Hartree part will be lost") mp.coeff = npload["tdh_wfns"][-1] elif version in ["0.3", "0.4"]: mp.to_right = bool(npload["to_right"]) mp.coeff = npload["coeff"].item(0) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dump version: {version}") return mp
[docs] @classmethod def from_dense(cls, model, wfn: np.ndarray): # for debugging mp = cls() mp.model = model if np.iscomplexobj(wfn): mp.dtype = backend.complex_dtype else: mp.dtype = backend.real_dtype residual_wfn = wfn.reshape([1] + [b.nbas for b in model.basis] + [1]) for i in range(len(model.basis) - 1): wfn_2d = residual_wfn.reshape(residual_wfn.shape[0] * residual_wfn.shape[1], -1) q, r = np.linalg.qr(wfn_2d) mp.append(q.reshape(residual_wfn.shape[0], residual_wfn.shape[1], q.shape[1])) residual_wfn = r.reshape([r.shape[0]] + list(residual_wfn.shape[2:])) assert residual_wfn.ndim == 3 mp.append(residual_wfn) mp.build_empty_qn() return mp
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.coeff: Union[float, complex] = 1 self.optimize_config: OptimizeConfig = OptimizeConfig() self.evolve_config: EvolveConfig = EvolveConfig()
[docs] def conj(self) -> "Mps": new_mps = super().conj() new_mps.coeff = new_mps.coeff.conjugate() return new_mps
[docs] def to_complex(self, inplace=False) -> "Mps": new_mp = super(Mps, self).to_complex(inplace=inplace) new_mp.coeff = complex(new_mp.coeff) return new_mp
def _get_sigmaqn(self, idx): return self.model.basis[idx].sigmaqn @property def is_mps(self): return True @property def is_mpo(self): return False @property def is_mpdm(self): return False @property def nexciton(self): return self.qntot @property def norm(self): '''the norm of the total wavefunction ''' return np.linalg.norm(self.coeff) * self.mp_norm def _expectation_path(self): # S--a--S--e--S # | | | # | d | # | | | # O--b--O--g--O # | | | # | f | # | | | # S--c--S--h--S path = [ ([0, 1], "abc, cfh -> abfh"), ([3, 0], "abfh, bdfg -> ahdg"), ([2, 0], "ahdg, ade -> hge"), ([1, 0], "hge, egh -> "), ] return path def _expectation_conj(self): return self.conj()
[docs] def expectation(self, mpo, self_conj=None) -> Union[float, complex]: if self_conj is None: self_conj = self._expectation_conj() environ = Environ(self, mpo, "R", mps_conj=self_conj) l = xp.ones((1, 1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) r ="R", 1) path = self._expectation_path() val = multi_tensor_contract(path, l, self[0], mpo[0], self_conj[0], r) if np.isclose(float(val.imag), 0): return float(val.real) else: return complex(val)
# This is time and memory consuming # return
[docs] def expectations(self, mpos, self_conj=None, opt=True) -> np.ndarray: if not opt: # the naive way, slow and time consuming. Yet predictable and reliable return np.array([self.expectation(mpo, self_conj) for mpo in mpos]) # optimized way, cache for intermediates # hash is used as indices of the matrices. # The chance for collision (the same hash for two different matrices) is # about 1-0.99999999999997 in 1000 matrices. # In which case a RuntimeError is raised and rerun the job should solve the problem hash_to_obj = dict() mpos_hash: List[List] = [] for mpo in mpos: mpo_hash = [] for m in mpo: m_hash = hash(m) if m_hash not in hash_to_obj: hash_to_obj[m_hash] = m else: if not np.allclose(hash_to_obj[m_hash], m.array): raise RuntimeError("Rare hash collision") mpo_hash.append(m_hash) mpos_hash.append(mpo_hash) if self_conj is None: self_conj = self._expectation_conj() l_environ_dict = _construct_freq_environ(mpos_hash, hash_to_obj, self, "L", self_conj) r_environ_dict = _construct_freq_environ(mpos_hash, hash_to_obj, self, "R", self_conj) results = [] for mpo in mpos: l_environ, l_idx = _get_freq_environ(l_environ_dict, mpo, "L", np.inf) r_environ, r_idx = _get_freq_environ(r_environ_dict, mpo, "R", len(mpo)-l_idx-1) for i in range(l_idx+1, r_idx): l_environ = contract_one_site(l_environ, self[i], mpo[i], "L", self_conj[i]) results.append(complex(l_environ.flatten() @ r_environ.flatten())) # cast to python type results = np.array(results) if np.allclose(results.imag, 0): return results.real else: return results
@property def ph_occupations(self): r""" phonon occupations :math:`b^\dagger_i b_i` for each electronic DoF. The order is defined by :attr:`~renormalizer.model.model.v_dofs`. """ key = "ph_occupations" # ph_occupations is actually the occupation of the basis if key not in self.model.mpos: mpos = [] for dof in self.model.v_dofs: mpos.append(Mpo(self.model, Op("n", dof))) self.model.mpos[key] = mpos else: mpos = self.model.mpos[key] return self.expectations(mpos) @property def e_occupations(self): r""" Electronic occupations :math:`a^\dagger_i a_i` for each electronic DoF. The order is defined by :attr:`~renormalizer.model.model.e_dofs`. """ key = "e_occupations" if key not in self.model.mpos: mpos = [] for dof in self.model.e_dofs: mpos.append(Mpo(self.model, Op(r"a^\dagger a", dof))) self.model.mpos[key] = mpos else: mpos = self.model.mpos[key] return self.expectations(mpos)
[docs] def metacopy(self) -> "Mps": new: Mps = super().metacopy() new.coeff = self.coeff new.optimize_config = self.optimize_config.copy() # evolve_config has its own data new.evolve_config = self.evolve_config.copy() return new
[docs] def normalize(self, kind): r''' normalize the wavefunction Parameters ---------- kind: str "mps_only": the mps part is normalized and coeff is not modified; "mps_norm_to_coeff": the mps part is normalized and the norm is multiplied to coeff; "mps_and_coeff": both mps and coeff is normalized Returns ------- ``self`` is overwritten. ''' return normalize(self, kind)
[docs] def expand_bond_dimension(self, hint_mpo=None, coef=1e-10, include_ex=True): """ expand bond dimension as required in compress_config """ return expand_bond_dimension(self, hint_mpo, coef, include_ex)
[docs] def evolve(self, mpo, evolve_dt, normalize=True) -> "Mps": method = { EvolveMethod.prop_and_compress: self._evolve_prop_and_compress, EvolveMethod.prop_and_compress_tdrk4: self._evolve_prop_and_compress_tdrk4, EvolveMethod.prop_and_compress_tdrk: self._evolve_prop_and_compress_tdrk, EvolveMethod.tdvp_mu_vmf: self._evolve_tdvp_mu_vmf, EvolveMethod.tdvp_vmf: self._evolve_tdvp_mu_vmf, EvolveMethod.tdvp_mu_cmf: self._evolve_tdvp_mu_cmf, EvolveMethod.tdvp_ps: self._evolve_tdvp_ps, EvolveMethod.tdvp_ps2: self._evolve_tdvp_ps2 }[self.evolve_config.method] new_mps = method(mpo, evolve_dt) if normalize: if np.iscomplex(evolve_dt): new_mps.normalize("mps_and_coeff") else: new_mps.normalize("mps_only") return new_mps
def _evolve_prop_and_compress_tdrk4(self, mpo, evolve_dt) -> "Mps": """ classical 4th order Runge-Kutta solver for time-dependent Hamiltonian """ if isinstance(mpo, Mpo): def mpo_t(t, *args, **kwargs): return mpo elif callable(mpo): # mpo can be a function of time, the range is 0 -> evolve_dt mpo_t = mpo else: raise TypeError(f"unsupported mpo type: {mpo}") k1 = mpo_t(0).contract(self).scale(-1j) logger.debug(f"k1:{k1}") tmp_mps = self + k1.scale(0.5*evolve_dt) tmp_mps.canonicalise().compress() k2 = mpo_t(0.5*evolve_dt).contract(tmp_mps).scale(-1j) logger.debug(f"k2:{k2}") tmp_mps = self + k2.scale(0.5*evolve_dt) tmp_mps.canonicalise().compress() k3 = mpo_t(0.5*evolve_dt).contract(tmp_mps).scale(-1j) logger.debug(f"k3:{k3}") tmp_mps = self + k3.scale(evolve_dt) tmp_mps.canonicalise().compress() k4 = mpo_t(evolve_dt).contract(tmp_mps).scale(-1j) logger.debug(f"k4:{k4}") new_mps = compressed_sum([self, k1.scale(1/6*evolve_dt), k2.scale(2/6*evolve_dt), k3.scale(2/6*evolve_dt), k4.scale(1/6*evolve_dt)])"new_mps:{new_mps}") return new_mps def _evolve_prop_and_compress_tdrk(self, mpo, evolve_dt) -> "Mps": """ The most general Runge-Kutta solver for both time-dependent and time-independnet Hamiltonian and adaptive or unadaptive time-step size evolution """ if isinstance(mpo, Mpo): def mpo_t(t, *args, **kwargs): return mpo elif callable(mpo): mpo_t = mpo else: raise TypeError(f"unsupported mpo type: {mpo}") rk_config = self.evolve_config.rk_config a,b,c = rk_config.tableau def sub_time_step_evolve(y,tau,t0): # error is relative error k_list = [] for istage in range(rk_config.stage): k = compressed_sum([y]+[k_list[i].scale(a[istage,i]*tau) for i in range(istage) if a[istage,i] != 0], batchsize=6) k = mpo_t(c[istage]*tau+t0, mps=k).contract(k).scale(-1j) logger.debug(f"k_{istage}: {k}") k_list.append(k) new_mps = compressed_sum([y] + [k_list[istage].scale(b[0,istage]*tau) \ for istage in range(rk_config.stage) if b[0,istage]!=0], batchsize=6) logger.debug(f"order_{rk_config.order[0]}: {new_mps}") if self.evolve_config.adaptive: assert len(rk_config.order) == 2 assert rk_config.order[0] - rk_config.order[1] == 1 error = reduce(lambda mps1, mps2: mps1.add(mps2), [k_list[istage].scale((b[0,istage]-b[1,istage])*tau) \ for istage in range(rk_config.stage) if not \ np.allclose(b[0,istage],b[1,istage])]) error = error.norm / new_mps.norm else: assert len(rk_config.order) == 1 error = 0 return new_mps, error self.evolve_config.check_valid_dt(evolve_dt) if self.evolve_config.adaptive: p_restart = 0.5 # restart threshold p_min = 0.1 # safeguard for minimal allowed p p_max = 2.0 # safeguard for maximal allowed p evolved_dt = 0 new_mps = self while True: dt = min_abs(new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt, evolve_dt-evolved_dt) logger.debug(f"guess_dt: {new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt}, try time step size: {dt}") new_mps, error = sub_time_step_evolve(new_mps, dt, evolved_dt) p = (new_mps.evolve_config.adaptive_rtol / (error + 1e-30)) ** (1/rk_config.order[0]) logger.debug(f"RKsolver:{rk_config.method} relative error: {error}, enlarge p parameter: {p}") if p < p_restart: # not accurate, will restart new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt = dt * max(p_min, p) logger.debug( f"evolution not converged, new guess_dt: {new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt}" ) else: if xp.allclose(dt+evolved_dt, evolve_dt): new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt = min_abs( dt * p, new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt ) # normal exit logger.debug( f"evolution converged, new guess_dt: {new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt}" ) break else: new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt *= min(p, p_max) evolved_dt += dt logger.debug( f"evolution converged, new guess_dt: {new_mps.evolve_config.guess_dt}" ) logger.debug(f"sub-step {dt} further, remaining: {evolve_dt-evolved_dt}") else: new_mps, _ = sub_time_step_evolve(self, evolve_dt, 0) return new_mps def _evolve_prop_and_compress(self, mpo, evolve_dt) -> "Mps": """ The global propagation & compression evolution scheme only for time-independent Hamiltonian Taylor expansion approximation to the formal propagator """ config = self.evolve_config assert evolve_dt is not None propagation_c = config.taylor_config.coeff order = len(propagation_c)-1 termlist = [self] # don't let bond dim grow when contracting orig_compress_config = self.compress_config contract_compress_config = self.compress_config.copy() if contract_compress_config.criteria is CompressCriteria.threshold: contract_compress_config.criteria = CompressCriteria.both # contract_compress_config.min_dims = None # contract_compress_config.max_dims = np.array(self.bond_dims) + 4 self.compress_config = contract_compress_config while len(termlist) < len(propagation_c): termlist.append(mpo.contract(termlist[-1])) # bond dim can grow after adding for t in termlist: t.compress_config = orig_compress_config if config.adaptive: config.check_valid_dt(evolve_dt) p_restart = 0.5 # restart threshold p_min = 0.1 # safeguard for minimal allowed p p_max = 2.0 # safeguard for maximal allowed p while True: scaled_termlist = [] dt = min_abs(config.guess_dt, evolve_dt) logger.debug(f"guess_dt: {config.guess_dt}, try time step size: {dt}") for idx, term in enumerate(termlist): scale = (-1.0j * dt) ** idx * propagation_c[idx] scaled_termlist.append(term.scale(scale)) del term new_mps1 = compressed_sum(scaled_termlist[:-1]) new_mps2 = compressed_sum( [new_mps1, scaled_termlist[-1]] ) dis = new_mps1.distance(new_mps2) p = (config.adaptive_rtol / (dis/new_mps2.mp_norm + 1e-30)) ** (1/order) logger.debug(f"RK45 error distance: {dis}, enlarge p parameter: {p}") if xp.allclose(dt, evolve_dt): # approahes the end if p < p_restart: # not accurate in this final sub-step will restart config.guess_dt = dt * max(p_min, p) logger.debug( f"evolution not converged, new guess_dt: {config.guess_dt}" ) else: # normal exit new_mps2.evolve_config.guess_dt = min_abs( dt * p, config.guess_dt ) logger.debug( f"evolution converged, new guess_dt: {new_mps2.evolve_config.guess_dt}" ) return new_mps2 else: # sub-steps if p < p_restart: config.guess_dt *= max(p_min, p) logger.debug( f"evolution not converged, new guess_dt: {config.guess_dt}" ) else: new_dt = evolve_dt - dt config.guess_dt *= min(p, p_max) new_mps2.evolve_config.guess_dt = config.guess_dt # memory consuming and not useful anymore del new_mps1, termlist, scaled_termlist logger.debug( f"evolution converged, new guess_dt: {config.guess_dt}" ) logger.debug(f"sub-step {dt} further, remaining: {new_dt}") return new_mps2._evolve_prop_and_compress(mpo, new_dt) else: for idx, term in enumerate(termlist): term.scale( (-1.0j * evolve_dt) ** idx * propagation_c[idx], inplace=True ) return compressed_sum(termlist) def _evolve_tdvp_mu_vmf(self, mpo, evolve_dt) -> "Mps": """ variable mean field see the difference between VMF and CMF, refer to Z. Phys. D 42, 113–129 (1997) the matrix unfolding algorithm, see arXiv:1907.12044 only the RKF45 integration is used. The default RKF45 local step error tolerance is rtol:1e-5, atol:1e-8 regulation of S is 1e-10, these default parameters could be changed in /utils/ """ if isinstance(mpo, Mpo): def mpo_t(t, *args, **kwargs): return mpo elif callable(mpo): mpo_t = mpo else: raise TypeError(f"unsupported mpo type: {mpo}") # a workaround for imag_time = np.iscomplex(evolve_dt) if imag_time: evolve_dt = -evolve_dt.imag # used in calculating derivatives coef = -1 else: coef = 1j # only not canonicalise when force_ovlp=True and to_right=False if not (self.evolve_config.force_ovlp and not self.to_right): self.ensure_left_canonical() # `self` should not be modified during the evolution if imag_time: mps = self.copy() else: mps = self.to_complex() # the quantum number symmetry is used qn_mask_list = [] position = [0] qntot = mps.qntot for imps in range(mps.site_num): mps.move_qnidx(imps) qnbigl, qnbigr, qnmat = mps._get_big_qn([imps]) qn_mask = get_qn_mask(qnmat, mps.qntot) qn_mask_list.append(qn_mask) position.append(position[-1]+np.sum(qn_mask)) sw_min_list = [] def func_vmf(t,y): sw_min_list.clear() # update mps: from left to right for imps in range(mps.site_num): mps[imps] = cvec2cmat(asnumpy(y[position[imps]:position[imps + 1]]), qn_mask_list[imps]) mpo = mpo_t(t, mps=mps) if self.evolve_config.method == EvolveMethod.tdvp_mu_vmf: environ_mps = mps.copy() elif self.evolve_config.method == EvolveMethod.tdvp_vmf: environ_mps = mps # the first S_R S_R = np.ones([1, 1], dtype=mps.dtype) else: assert False environ = Environ(environ_mps, mpo, "L") if self.evolve_config.force_ovlp: # construct the S_L list (type: Matrix) and S_L_inv list (type: xp.array) # len: mps.site_num+1 S_L_list = [ np.ones([1, 1], dtype=mps.dtype), ] for imps in range(mps.site_num): S_L_list.append( transferMat(mps, None, "L", imps, S_L_list[imps]) ) S_L_inv_list = [] for imps in range(mps.site_num + 1): w, u = scipy.linalg.eigh(S_L_list[imps]) S_L_inv = / w)).dot(u.T.conj()) S_L_inv_list.append(S_L_inv) else: S_L_list = [None,] * (mps.site_num + 1) S_L_inv_list = [None,] * (mps.site_num + 1) # calculate hop_y: from right to left hop_y = xp.empty_like(y) for imps in mps.iter_idx_list(full=True): shape = list(mps[imps].shape) ltensor = asxp("L", imps - 1)) if imps == self.site_num - 1: # the coefficient site rtensor = xp.ones((1, 1, 1), dtype=mps.dtype) hop =hop_expr(ltensor, rtensor, [asxp(mpo[imps])], shape) S_inv = xp.diag(xp.ones(1,dtype=mps.dtype)) func = integrand_func_factory(shape, hop, True, S_inv, True, coef, ovlp_inv1=S_L_inv_list[imps+1], ovlp_inv0=S_L_inv_list[imps], ovlp0=S_L_list[imps]) hop_y[position[imps]:position[imps+1]] = func(0, mps[imps].array.ravel()).reshape(mps[imps].shape)[qn_mask_list[imps]] continue if self.evolve_config.method == EvolveMethod.tdvp_mu_vmf: # perform qr on the environment mps qnbigl, qnbigr, _ = environ_mps._get_big_qn([imps + 1]) u, s, qnlset, v, s, qnrset = svd_qn.svd_qn( environ_mps[imps + 1].array, qnbigl, qnbigr, environ_mps.qntot, system="R", full_matrices=False) vt = v.T environ_mps[imps + 1] = vt.reshape(environ_mps[imps + 1].shape) rtensor = environ.GetLR( "R", imps + 1, environ_mps, mpo, itensor=None, method="System" ) sw_min_list.append(s.min()) regular_s = _mu_regularize(s, epsilon=self.evolve_config.reg_epsilon) u = asxp(u) us = rtensor = xp.tensordot(rtensor, us, axes=(-1, -1)) environ_mps[imps] = xp.tensordot(asxp(environ_mps[imps]), us, axes=(-1, 0)) environ_mps.qn[imps + 1] = qnrset environ_mps.qnidx = imps S_inv = u.conj().dot(xp.diag(1.0 / regular_s)).T elif self.evolve_config.method == EvolveMethod.tdvp_vmf: rtensor = environ.GetLR( "R", imps + 1, environ_mps, mpo, itensor=None, method="System") # regularize density matrix # Note that S_R is (#.conj, #) S_R = transferMat(environ_mps, None, "R", imps + 1, S_R) w, u = scipy.linalg.eigh(asnumpy(S_R)) # discard the negative eigenvalues due to numerical error w = np.where(w>0, w, 0) sw_min_list.append(w.min()) epsilon = self.evolve_config.reg_epsilon w = w + epsilon * np.exp(-w / epsilon) u = asxp(u) # S_inv is (#.conj, #) S_inv = / w)).dot(u.T.conj()).T hop = hop_expr(ltensor, rtensor, [asxp(mpo[imps])], shape) func = integrand_func_factory(shape, hop, False, S_inv, True, coef, ovlp_inv1=S_L_inv_list[imps+1], ovlp_inv0=S_L_inv_list[imps], ovlp0=S_L_list[imps]) hop_y[position[imps]:position[imps+1]] = func(0, asxp(mps[imps].array.ravel())).reshape(mps[imps].shape)[qn_mask_list[imps]] return hop_y init_y = xp.concatenate([asxp(ms.array[qn_mask_list[ims]]) for ims, ms in enumerate(mps)]) # the ivp local error, please refer to the Scipy default setting sol = solve_ivp( func_vmf, (0, evolve_dt), init_y, method="RK45", rtol=self.evolve_config.ivp_rtol, atol=self.evolve_config.ivp_atol, ) # update mps: from left to right for imps in range(mps.site_num): mps[imps] = cvec2cmat(asnumpy(sol.y[:, -1][position[imps]:position[imps + 1]]), qn_mask_list[imps])"{self.evolve_config.method} VMF func called: {sol.nfev}. RKF steps: {len(sol.t)}") sw_min_list = xp.array(sw_min_list) # auto-switch between tdvp_mu_vmf and tdvp_vmf if self.evolve_config.vmf_auto_switch: if sw_min_list.min() > np.sqrt(self.evolve_config.reg_epsilon*10.) and \ mps.evolve_config.method == EvolveMethod.tdvp_mu_vmf: logger.debug(f"sw.min={sw_min_list.min()}, Switch to tdvp_vmf") mps.evolve_config.method = EvolveMethod.tdvp_vmf elif sw_min_list.min() < self.evolve_config.reg_epsilon and \ mps.evolve_config.method == EvolveMethod.tdvp_vmf: logger.debug(f"sw.min={sw_min_list.min()}, Switch to tdvp_mu_vmf") mps.evolve_config.method = EvolveMethod.tdvp_mu_vmf # The caller do not want to deal with an MPS that is not canonicalised return mps.canonicalise() @adaptive_tdvp def _evolve_tdvp_mu_cmf(self, mpo, evolve_dt) -> "Mps": """ evolution scheme: TDVP + constant mean field + matrix-unfolding regularization MPS : LLLLLLC 1st / 2nd order(default) CMF for 2nd order CMF: L is evolved with midpoint scheme C is evolved with midpoint(default) / trapz scheme """ if self.evolve_config.tdvp_cmf_c_trapz: assert self.evolve_config.tdvp_cmf_midpoint imag_time = np.iscomplex(evolve_dt) # a workaround for if imag_time: evolve_dt = -evolve_dt.imag # used in calculating derivatives coef = -1 else: coef = 1j self.ensure_left_canonical() # `self` should not be modified during the evolution # mps: the mps to return # environ_mps: mps to construct environ if imag_time: mps = self.copy() else: mps = self.to_complex() if self.evolve_config.tdvp_cmf_midpoint: # mps at t/2 (1st order) as environment orig_config = self.evolve_config.copy() self.evolve_config.tdvp_cmf_midpoint = False self.evolve_config.tdvp_cmf_c_trapz = False self.evolve_config.adaptive = False environ_mps = self.evolve(mpo, evolve_dt / 2) self.evolve_config = orig_config else: # mps at t=0 as environment environ_mps = mps.copy() if self.evolve_config.tdvp_cmf_c_trapz: loop = 2 mps[-1] = environ_mps[-1].copy() else: loop = 1 while loop > 0: # construct the environment matrix environ = Environ(environ_mps, mpo, "L") # statistics for debug output cmf_rk_steps = [] if self.evolve_config.force_ovlp: # construct the S_L list (type: Matrix) and S_L_inv list (type: xp.array) # len: mps.site_num+1 S_L_list = [np.ones([1, 1], dtype=mps.dtype),] for imps in range(mps.site_num): S_L_list.append(transferMat(environ_mps, None, "L", imps, S_L_list[imps])) S_L_inv_list = [] for imps in range(mps.site_num+1): w, u = scipy.linalg.eigh(S_L_list[imps]) S_L_inv = xp.asarray( / w)).dot(u.T.conj())) S_L_inv_list.append(S_L_inv) S_L_list[imps] = S_L_list[imps] else: S_L_list = [None,] * (mps.site_num+1) S_L_inv_list = [None,] * (mps.site_num+1) for imps in mps.iter_idx_list(full=True): shape = list(mps[imps].shape) ltensor ="L", imps - 1) if imps == self.site_num - 1: if loop == 1: # the coefficient site rtensor = ones((1, 1, 1)) hop = hop_expr(ltensor, rtensor, [mpo[imps]], shape) S_inv = xp.diag(xp.ones(1,dtype=mps.dtype)) def func1(y): func = integrand_func_factory(shape, hop, True, S_inv, True, coef, ovlp_inv1=S_L_inv_list[imps+1], ovlp_inv0=S_L_inv_list[imps], ovlp0=S_L_list[imps]) return func(0, y) if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver == "krylov": ms, Lanczos_vectors = expm_krylov(func1, evolve_dt, mps[imps].ravel().array) logger.debug(f"# of Lanczos_vectors, {Lanczos_vectors}") else: sol = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: func1(y), (0, evolve_dt), mps[imps].ravel().array, method=self.evolve_config.ivp_solver, rtol=self.evolve_config.ivp_rtol, atol=self.evolve_config.ivp_atol, ) ms = sol.y logger.debug(f"# of Hc, {sol.nfev}") mps[imps] = ms.reshape(shape) if loop == 1 and self.evolve_config.tdvp_cmf_c_trapz: break else: continue # perform qr on the environment mps qnbigl, qnbigr, _ = environ_mps._get_big_qn([imps + 1]) u, s, qnlset, v, s, qnrset = svd_qn.svd_qn( environ_mps[imps + 1].array, qnbigl, qnbigr, environ_mps.qntot, system="R", full_matrices=False, ) vt = v.T environ_mps[imps + 1] = vt.reshape(environ_mps[imps + 1].shape) rtensor = environ.GetLR( "R", imps + 1, environ_mps, mpo, itensor=None, method="System" ) regular_s = _mu_regularize(s, epsilon=self.evolve_config.reg_epsilon) us = rtensor = tensordot(rtensor, us, axes=(-1, -1)) environ_mps[imps] = tensordot(environ_mps[imps], us, axes=(-1, 0)) environ_mps.qn[imps + 1] = qnrset environ_mps.qnidx = imps S_inv = u.conj().dot(np.diag(1.0 / regular_s)).T hop = hop_expr(ltensor, rtensor, [mpo[imps]], shape) func = integrand_func_factory(shape, hop, False, S_inv, True, coef, ovlp_inv1=S_L_inv_list[imps+1], ovlp_inv0=S_L_inv_list[imps], ovlp0=S_L_list[imps]) sol = solve_ivp( func, (0, evolve_dt), mps[imps].ravel().array, method="RK45" ) cmf_rk_steps.append(len(sol.t)) ms = sol.y[:, -1].reshape(shape) mps[imps] = ms if len(cmf_rk_steps) > 0: steps_stat = stats.describe(cmf_rk_steps) logger.debug(f"{self.evolve_config.method} CMF steps: {steps_stat}") if loop == 2: environ_mps = mps evolve_dt /= 2. loop -= 1 # new_mps.evolve_config.stat = steps_stat return mps @adaptive_tdvp def _evolve_tdvp_ps(self, mpo, evolve_dt) -> "Mps": # PhysRevB.94.165116 # TDVP projector splitting # one-site if np.iscomplex(evolve_dt): mps = self.copy() if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver != "krylov": evolve_dt = -evolve_dt.imag # used in calculating derivatives coef = -1 else: mps = self.to_complex() if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver != "krylov": coef = 1j # construct the environment matrix # almost half is not used. Not a big deal. environ = Environ(mps, mpo) # statistics for debug output local_steps = [] # sweep for 2 rounds for i in range(2): for imps in mps.iter_idx_list(full=True): system = "L" if mps.to_right else "R" l_array ="L", imps - 1) r_array ="R", imps + 1) shape = list(mps[imps].shape) hop = hop_expr(l_array, r_array, [asxp(mpo[imps].array)], shape) if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver == "krylov": mps_t, j = expm_krylov( lambda y: hop(y.reshape(shape)).ravel(), -1j * evolve_dt / 2, mps[imps].ravel().array ) else: sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: hop(y.reshape(shape)).ravel() / coef, (0, evolve_dt/2), mps[imps].ravel().array, method=self.evolve_config.ivp_solver, rtol=self.evolve_config.ivp_rtol, atol=self.evolve_config.ivp_atol, ) mps_t, j = sol.y, sol.nfev local_steps.append(j) mps_t = mps_t.reshape(shape) qnbigl, qnbigr, _ = mps._get_big_qn([imps]) u, qnlset, v, qnrset = svd_qn.svd_qn( asnumpy(mps_t), qnbigl, qnbigr, mps.qntot, QR=True, system=system, full_matrices=False, ) vt = v.T if not mps.to_right and imps != 0: mps[imps] = vt.reshape([-1] + shape[1:]) mps.qn[imps] = qnrset mps.qnidx = imps-1 r_array = environ.GetLR( "R", imps, mps, mpo, itensor=r_array, method="System" ) # reverse update u site shape_u = u.shape hop_u = hop_expr(l_array, r_array, [], shape_u) if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver == "krylov": mps_t, j = expm_krylov( lambda y: hop_u(y.reshape(shape_u)).ravel(), 1j * evolve_dt / 2, u.ravel() ) else: sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: hop_u(y.reshape(shape_u)).ravel() / -coef, (0, evolve_dt/2), u.ravel(), method=self.evolve_config.ivp_solver, rtol=self.evolve_config.ivp_rtol, atol=self.evolve_config.ivp_atol, ) mps_t, j = sol.y, sol.nfev local_steps.append(j) mps_t = mps_t.reshape(shape_u) mps[imps - 1] = tensordot(mps[imps - 1].array, mps_t, axes=(-1, 0),) elif mps.to_right and imps != len(mps) - 1: mps[imps] = u.reshape(shape[:-1] + [-1]) mps.qn[imps + 1] = qnlset mps.qnidx = imps+1 l_array = environ.GetLR( "L", imps, mps, mpo, itensor=l_array, method="System" ) # reverse update svt site shape_svt = vt.shape hop_svt = hop_expr(l_array, r_array, [], shape_svt) if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver == "krylov": mps_t, j = expm_krylov( lambda y: hop_svt(y.reshape(shape_svt)).ravel(), 1j * evolve_dt / 2, vt.ravel() ) else: sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: hop_svt(y.reshape(shape_svt)).ravel() / -coef, (0, evolve_dt/2), vt.ravel(), method=self.evolve_config.ivp_solver, rtol=self.evolve_config.ivp_rtol, atol=self.evolve_config.ivp_atol, ) mps_t, j = sol.y, sol.nfev local_steps.append(j) mps_t = mps_t.reshape(shape_svt) mps[imps + 1] = tensordot(mps_t, mps[imps + 1].array, axes=(1, 0),) else: mps[imps] = mps_t mps._switch_direction() steps_stat = stats.describe(local_steps) logger.debug(f"TDVP-PS Krylov space: {steps_stat}") mps.evolve_config.stat = steps_stat return mps @adaptive_tdvp def _evolve_tdvp_ps2(self, mpo, evolve_dt) -> "Mps": # PhysRevB.94.165116 # TDVP projector splitting # two-site if np.iscomplex(evolve_dt): mps = self.copy() if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver != "krylov": evolve_dt = -evolve_dt.imag # used in calculating derivatives coef = -1 else: mps = self.to_complex() if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver != "krylov": coef = 1j # construct the environment matrix # almost half is not used. Not a big deal. environ = Environ(mps, mpo) # statistics for debug output local_steps = [] # sweep for 2 rounds for i in range(2): for imps in mps.iter_idx_list(full=False): if mps.to_right: lidx, cidx0, cidx1, ridx = range(imps - 1, imps + 3) # the idx of the next site cidx2 = cidx1 # the idx of the last site last_idx = len(mps) - 2 else: lidx, cidx0, cidx1, ridx = range(imps - 2, imps + 2) cidx2 = cidx0 last_idx = 1 l_array ="L", lidx) r_array ="R", ridx) # the two-site matrix state ms2 = tensordot(mps[cidx0], mps[cidx1], axes=1) hop = hop_expr(l_array, r_array, [mpo[cidx0], mpo[cidx1]], ms2.shape) if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver == "krylov": mps_t, j = expm_krylov( lambda y: hop(y.reshape(ms2.shape)).ravel(), -1j * evolve_dt / 2, ms2.ravel() ) else: sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: hop(y.reshape(ms2.shape)).ravel() / coef, (0, evolve_dt/2), ms2.ravel(), method=self.evolve_config.ivp_solver, rtol=self.evolve_config.ivp_rtol, atol=self.evolve_config.ivp_atol, ) mps_t, j = sol.y, sol.nfev local_steps.append(j) mps_t = mps_t.reshape(ms2.shape) qnbigl, qnbigr, _ = mps._get_big_qn([cidx0, cidx1]) mps._update_mps(mps_t, [cidx0, cidx1], qnbigl, qnbigr) if mps.compress_config.ofs is not None: mpo.try_swap_site(mps.model, mps.compress_config.ofs_swap_jw) if imps == last_idx: continue if mps.to_right: l_array = environ.GetLR( "L", lidx + 1, mps, mpo, itensor=l_array, method="System" ) else: r_array = environ.GetLR( "R", ridx - 1, mps, mpo, itensor=r_array, method="System" ) # reverse update the next site ms1 = mps[cidx2] hop = hop_expr(l_array, r_array, [mpo[cidx2]], ms1.shape) if self.evolve_config.ivp_solver == "krylov": mps_t, j = expm_krylov( lambda y: hop(y.reshape(ms1.shape)).ravel(), 1j * evolve_dt / 2, ms1.ravel() ) else: sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: hop(y.reshape(ms1.shape)).ravel() / -coef, (0, evolve_dt/2), ms1.ravel(), method=self.evolve_config.ivp_solver, rtol=self.evolve_config.ivp_rtol, atol=self.evolve_config.ivp_atol, ) mps_t, j = sol.y, sol.nfev local_steps.append(j) mps_t = mps_t.reshape(ms1.shape) mps[cidx2] = mps_t mps._push_cano(cidx2) mps._switch_direction() steps_stat = stats.describe(local_steps) logger.debug(f"TDVP-PS Krylov space: {steps_stat}") mps.evolve_config.stat = steps_stat #logger.debug(f"current mps: {mps}") return mps
[docs] def evolve_exact(self, h_mpo, evolve_dt, space): MPOprop = Mpo.exact_propagator(self.model, -1j * evolve_dt, space, -h_mpo.offset) new_mps = MPOprop.apply(self, canonicalise=True) self.coeff *= np.exp(-1j * h_mpo.offset * evolve_dt) return new_mps
@property def digest(self): # used for debugging. Mostly for quickly comparing how two MPSs differ. if 10 < self.site_num or self.is_mpdm: return None prod = np.eye(1).reshape(1, 1, 1) for ms in self: prod = np.tensordot(prod, ms, axes=1) prod = prod.reshape((prod.shape[0], -1, prod.shape[-1])) return {"var": prod.var(), "mean": prod.mean(), "ptp": prod.ptp()}
[docs] def todense(self) -> np.array: dim = if 20000 < dim: raise ValueError("wavefunction too large") res = np.ones((1, 1, 1)) for mt in self: dim1 = res.shape[1] * mt.shape[1] dim2 = mt.shape[-1] res = np.tensordot(res, mt.array, axes=1).reshape(1, dim1, dim2) return res[0, :, 0]
[docs] def calc_1site_rdm(self, idx=None) -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]: r""" Calculate 1-site reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_i = \textrm{Tr}_{j \neq i} | \Psi \rangle \langle \Psi|` Parameters ---------- idx : int, list, tuple, optional site index of 1site_rdm. Default is None, which mean all the rdms are calculated. Returns ------- rdm: Dict :math:`\{0:\rho_0, 1:\rho_1, \cdots\}`. The key is the index of the site. """ identity = Mpo.identity(self.model) environ = Environ(self, identity, "R") if idx is None: idx = list(range(self.site_num)) elif type(idx) is int: idx = [idx] elif (type(idx) is list) or (type(idx) is tuple): idx = list(idx) else: assert False rdm = {} for ims, ms in enumerate(self): ltensor = environ.GetLR( "L", ims-1, self, identity, itensor=None, method="System" ) rtensor = environ.GetLR( "R", ims+1, self, identity, itensor=None, method="Enviro" ) if ims not in idx: continue ltensor = ltensor.reshape(ltensor.shape[0], ltensor.shape[-1]) rtensor = rtensor.reshape(rtensor.shape[0], rtensor.shape[-1]) tensor = tensordot(ltensor, ms.conj(), ([0],[0])) tensor = tensordot(tensor, rtensor, ([-1],[0])) if ms.ndim == 3: tensor = tensordot(tensor, ms, ([0,-1],[0,-1])) else: tensor = tensordot(tensor, ms, ([0,-1,-2],[0,-1,-2])) assert xp.allclose(tensor, tensor.T.conj()) rdm[ims] = asnumpy(tensor) return rdm
[docs] def calc_2site_rdm(self): r""" Calculate 2-site reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_{ij} = \textrm{Tr}_{k \neq i, k \neq j} | \Psi \rangle \langle \Psi |`. Returns ------- rdm: Dict :math:`\{(0,1):\rho_{01}, (0,2):\rho_{02}, \cdots\}`. The key is a tuple of index of the site. """ identity = Mpo.identity(self.model) environ_R = Environ(self, identity, "R") environ_L = Environ(self, identity, "L") L_component = [] R_component = [] rdm = {} # first construct 1-site environment for ims, ms in enumerate(self): ltensor = environ_L.GetLR("L", ims-1, self, identity, itensor=None, method="Enviro") ltensor = ltensor.reshape(ltensor.shape[0], ltensor.shape[-1]) tensor = tensordot(ltensor, ms.conj(), ([0],[0])) if ms.ndim == 3: tensor = tensordot(tensor, ms, ([0],[0])) elif ms.ndim == 4: tensor = tensordot(tensor, ms, ([0,2],[0,2])) L_component.append(tensor.transpose((0,2,1,3))) rtensor = environ_R.GetLR("R", ims+1, self, identity, itensor=None, method="Enviro") rtensor = rtensor.reshape(rtensor.shape[0], rtensor.shape[-1]) tensor = tensordot(ms.conj(), rtensor, ([-1],[0])) if ms.ndim == 3: tensor = tensordot(tensor, ms, ([-1],[-1])) elif ms.ndim == 4: tensor = tensordot(tensor, ms, ([2,-1],[2,-1])) R_component.append(tensor.transpose((0,2,1,3))) # merge two 1-site environment together for ims in range(self.site_num): tensor = L_component[ims] for jms in range(ims+1, self.site_num): if jms != ims+1: kms = jms - 1 tensor = tensordot(tensor, self[kms].conj(), ([2],[0])) if self[kms].ndim == 3: tensor = tensordot(tensor, self[kms], ([2,3],[0,1])) elif self[kms].ndim == 4: tensor = tensordot(tensor, self[kms], ([2,3,4],[0,1,2])) rtensor = R_component[jms] res = tensordot(tensor, rtensor, ([2,3],[0,1])).transpose(0,2,1,3) rdm[(ims, jms)] = asnumpy(res.reshape(res.shape[0]*res.shape[1],-1)) return rdm
[docs] def calc_edof_rdm(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate the reduced density matrix of electronic DoF :math:`\rho_{ij} = \langle \Psi | a_i^\dagger a_j | \Psi \rangle` .. note:: This function is designed for single-electron system. Fermionic commutation relation is not considered. """ key = "edof_reduced_density_matrix" n_e = self.model.n_edofs e_dofs = self.model.e_dofs if key not in self.model.mpos: mpos = [] for idx, dof1 in enumerate(e_dofs): for dof2 in e_dofs[idx:]: op = Op(r"a^\dagger a", [dof1, dof2]) mpo = Mpo(self.model, terms=op) mpos.append(mpo) self.model.mpos[key] = mpos else: mpos = self.model.mpos[key] expectations = deque(self.expectations(mpos)) reduced_density_matrix = np.zeros((n_e, n_e), dtype=backend.complex_dtype) for idx in range(n_e): for jdx in range(idx, n_e): reduced_density_matrix[idx, jdx] = expectations.popleft() reduced_density_matrix[jdx, idx] = np.conj(reduced_density_matrix[idx, jdx]) return reduced_density_matrix
[docs] def calc_entropy(self, entropy_type): r""" Calculate 1site, 2site, mutual and bond Von Neumann entropy :math:`\textrm{entropy} = -\textrm{Tr}(\rho \ln \rho)` where :math:`\ln` stands for natural logarithm. 1site entropy is the entropy between any site and the other ``(N-1)`` sites. 2site entropy is the entropy between any two sites and the other ``(N-2)`` sites. mutual entropy characterize the entropy between any two sites. bond entropy is the entropy between L-block and R-block. Parameters ---------- entropy_type : str "1site", "2site", "mutual", "bond" Returns ------- entropy : dict, ndarray if entropy_type = "1site" or "2site", a dictionary is returned and the key is the index or the tuple of index of mps sites, else an ndarray is returned. """ if entropy_type in ["1site", "2site"]: if entropy_type == "1site": rdm = self.calc_1site_rdm() else: rdm = self.calc_2site_rdm() entropy = {} for key, dm in rdm.items(): entropy[key] = calc_vn_entropy_dm(dm) elif entropy_type == "mutual": entropy = self.calc_2site_mutual_entropy() elif entropy_type == "bond": entropy = self.calc_bond_entropy() else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported entropy type {entropy_type}") return entropy
[docs] def calc_2site_mutual_entropy(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Calculate mutual entropy between two sites. Also known as mutual information :math:`m_{ij} = (s_i + s_j - s_{ij})/2` See Chemical Physics 323 (2006) 519–531 Returns ------- mutual_entropy : 2d np.ndarry mutual entropy with shape (nsite, nsite) """ entropy_1site = self.calc_entropy("1site") entropy_2site = self.calc_entropy("2site") nsites = self.site_num mut_entropy = np.zeros((nsites, nsites)) for isite, jsite in itertools.combinations(range(nsites),2): key = (isite, jsite) if (isite, jsite) in entropy_2site.keys() else (jsite, isite) mut_entropy[isite, jsite] = (entropy_1site[isite] + entropy_1site[jsite] - entropy_2site[key]) / 2 mut_entropy += mut_entropy.T return mut_entropy
[docs] def calc_bond_singular_values(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Calculate the singular values at each bond. Returns ------- Singular values: 2D array """ # Make sure that the bond entropy is from the left to the right and not # destroy the original mps mps = self.copy() mps.ensure_right_canonical() _, s_array = mps.compress(temp_m_trunc=np.inf, ret_s=True) return s_array
[docs] def calc_bond_entropy(self, s_array :np.array=None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Calculate von Neumann entropy at each bond according to :math:`S = -\textrm{Tr}(\rho \ln \rho)` where :math:`\rho` is the reduced density matrix of either block. Parameters ---------- s_array : np.ndarray, optional The singular values array. Calculated by :meth:`Mps.calc_bond_singular_values`. Returns ------- S : 1D array a NumPy array containing the entropy values. """ if s_array is None: s_array = self.calc_bond_singular_values() return np.array([calc_vn_entropy(sigma ** 2) for sigma in s_array])
[docs] def dump(self, fname): super().dump(fname, other_attrs=["coeff"])
def __setitem__(self, key, value): return super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def add(self, other): if not np.allclose(self.coeff, other.coeff): self.scale(self.coeff, inplace=True) other.scale(other.coeff, inplace=True) self.coeff = 1 other.coeff = 1 return super().add(other)
[docs] def distance(self, other) -> float: if not np.allclose(self.coeff, other.coeff): self.scale(self.coeff, inplace=True) other.scale(other.coeff, inplace=True) self.coeff = 1 other.coeff = 1 return super().distance(other)
def projector( ms: xp.ndarray, left: bool, Ovlp_inv1: xp.ndarray = None, Ovlp0: xp.ndarray = None ) -> xp.ndarray: if left: axes = (-1, -1) else: axes = (0, 0) if Ovlp_inv1 is None: proj = xp.tensordot(ms, ms.conj(), axes=axes) else: # consider the case that the canonical condition is not fulfilled if left: proj = xp.tensordot(Ovlp0, ms, axes=(-1, 0)) proj = xp.tensordot(proj, Ovlp_inv1, axes=(-1, 0)) proj = xp.tensordot(proj, ms.conj(), axes=(-1, -1)) else: proj = xp.tensordot(ms, Ovlp0, axes=(-1, 0)) proj = xp.tensordot(Ovlp_inv1, proj, axes=(-1, 0)) proj = xp.tensordot(proj, ms.conj(), axes=(0, 0)) if left: sz = int([:-1])) else: sz = int([1:])) Iden = xp.array(xp.diag(xp.ones(sz)), dtype=backend.real_dtype).reshape(proj.shape) proj = Iden - proj return proj def integrand_func_factory( shape, hop, islast, S_inv: Union[np.ndarray, xp.ndarray], left: bool, coef: complex, ovlp_inv1: Union[xp.ndarray, np.ndarray] = None, ovlp_inv0: Union[xp.ndarray, np.ndarray] = None, ovlp0: Union[xp.ndarray, np.ndarray] = None, ): S_inv, ovlp_inv1, ovlp_inv0, ovlp0 = map(asxp, [S_inv, ovlp_inv1, ovlp_inv0, ovlp0]) # left == True: projector operate on the left side of the HC # Ovlp0 is (#.conj, #), Ovlp_inv0 = (#, #.conj), Ovlp_inv1 = (#, #.conj) # S_inv is (#.conj, #) def func(t, y): y0 = asxp(y.reshape(shape)) HC = hop(y0) if not islast: proj = projector(y0, left, ovlp_inv1, ovlp0) if y0.ndim == 3: if left: HC = tensordot(proj, HC, axes=([2, 3], [0, 1])) else: HC = tensordot(HC, proj, axes=([1, 2], [2, 3])) elif y0.ndim == 4: if left: HC = tensordot(proj, HC, axes=([3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2])) else: HC = tensordot(HC, proj, axes=([1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5])) if left: if ovlp_inv0 is not None: HC = tensordot(ovlp_inv0, HC, axes=(-1, 0)) return tensordot(HC, S_inv, axes=(-1, 0)).ravel() / coef else: if ovlp_inv0 is not None: HC = tensordot(HC, ovlp_inv0, axes=(-1, -1)) return tensordot(S_inv, HC, axes=(0, 0)).ravel() / coef return func def transferMat(mps, mpsconj, domain, imps, val) -> np.ndarray: """ calculate the transfer matrix from the left hand or the right hand """ if mpsconj is not None: ms, ms_conj = mps[imps].array, mpsconj[imps].array else: ms = mps[imps].array ms_conj = ms.conj() if mps[0].ndim == 3: if domain == "R": val = tensordot(ms_conj, val, axes=(2, 0)) val = tensordot(val, ms, axes=([1, 2], [1, 2])) elif domain == "L": val = tensordot(ms_conj, val, axes=(0, 0)) val = tensordot(val, ms, axes=([0, 2], [1, 0])) else: assert False elif mps[0].ndim == 4: if domain == "R": val = tensordot(ms_conj, val, axes=(3, 0)) val = tensordot(val, ms, axes=([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])) elif domain == "L": val = tensordot(ms_conj, val, axes=(0, 0)) val = tensordot(val, ms, axes=([0, 3, 1], [1, 0, 2])) else: assert False else: raise ValueError(f"the dim of local mps is not correct: {mps[0].ndim}") return asnumpy(val) def _mu_regularize(s, epsilon=1e-10): """ regularization of the singular value of the reduced density matrix """ epsilon = np.sqrt(epsilon) return s + epsilon * np.exp(-s / epsilon) def expand_bond_dimension(mps, hint_mpo=None, coef=1e-10, include_ex=True): """ expand bond dimension as required in compress_config """ if hint_mpo is not None and include_ex: # fill states related to `hint_mpo` logger.debug( f"average bond dimension of hint mpo: {hint_mpo.bond_dims_mean}" ) # in case of localized `self` if mps.is_mps: ex_state: MatrixProduct = mps.ground_state(mps.model, False) # for self.qntot >= 1 assert mps.model.qn_size == 1 # otherwise not supported for i in range(mps.qntot[0]): ex_state = Mpo.onsite(mps.model, r"a^\dagger") @ ex_state elif mps.is_mpdm: assert mps.qntot == 1 ex_state: MatrixProduct = mps.max_entangled_ex(mps.model) else: assert False ex_state.compress_config = mps.compress_config ex_state.move_qnidx(mps.qnidx) ex_state.to_right = mps.to_right else: ex_state = None return expand_bond_dimension_general(mps, hint_mpo, coef, ex_state) def expand_bond_dimension_general(mps, hint_mpo=None, coef=1e-10, ex_mps=None): """ expand bond dimension as required in compress_config. works for both mps and ttns """ # expander m target m_target = mps.compress_config.bond_dim_max_value - mps.bond_dims_mean # will be restored at exit mps.compress_config.bond_dim_max_value = m_target if mps.compress_config.criteria is not CompressCriteria.fixed: logger.warning("Setting compress criteria to fixed") mps.compress_config.criteria = CompressCriteria.fixed logger.debug(f"target for expander: {m_target}") if hint_mpo is None: expander = mps.__class__.random(mps.model, 1, m_target) else: # fill states related to `hint_mpo` logger.debug( f"average bond dimension of hint mpo: {hint_mpo.bond_dims_mean}" ) # in case of localized `self` if ex_mps: lastone = mps + ex_mps else: lastone = mps expander_list: List["MatrixProduct"] = [] cumulated_m = 0 while True: lastone.compress_config.criteria = CompressCriteria.fixed expander_list.append(lastone) expander = compressed_sum(expander_list) if cumulated_m == expander.bond_dims_mean: # probably a small system, the required bond dimension can't be reached break cumulated_m = expander.bond_dims_mean logger.debug( f"cumulated bond dimension: {cumulated_m}. lastone bond dimension: {lastone.bond_dims}" ) if m_target < cumulated_m: break if m_target < 0.8 * (lastone.bond_dims_mean * hint_mpo.bond_dims_mean): lastone = lastone.canonicalise().compress( m_target // hint_mpo.bond_dims_mean + 1 ) lastone = (hint_mpo @ lastone).normalize("mps_and_coeff") logger.debug(f"expander bond dimension: {expander.bond_dims}") mps.compress_config.bond_dim_max_value += mps.bond_dims_mean return (mps + expander.scale(coef * mps.norm, inplace=True)).canonicalise().canonicalise().normalize( "mps_norm_to_coeff") def normalize(tn, kind): r''' normalize the wavefunction Parameters ---------- kind: str "mps_only": the mps part is normalized and coeff is not modified; "mps_norm_to_coeff": the mps part is normalized and the norm is multiplied to coeff; "mps_and_coeff": both mps and coeff is normalized Returns ------- ``self`` is overwritten. ''' if hasattr(tn, "mp_norm"): tn_norm = tn.mp_norm elif hasattr(tn, "ttns_norm"): tn_norm = tn.ttns_norm else: raise ValueError(f"{type(tn)} does not have norm attribute") if kind in ["mps_only", "ttns_only"]: new_coeff = tn.coeff elif kind in ["mps_and_coeff", "ttns_and_coeff"]: new_coeff = tn.coeff / np.linalg.norm(tn.coeff) elif kind in ["mps_norm_to_coeff", "ttns_norm_to_coeff"]: new_coeff = tn.coeff * tn_norm else: raise ValueError(f"kind={kind} is not valid.") tn.scale(1.0 / tn_norm, inplace=True) tn.coeff = new_coeff return tn class BraKetPair: def __init__(self, bra_mps, ket_mps, mpo=None): self.bra_mps = bra_mps self.ket_mps = ket_mps self.mpo = mpo self.ft = self.calc_ft() def calc_ft(self): if self.mpo is None: dot = self.bra_mps.conj().dot(self.ket_mps) else: dot = self.ket_mps.expectation(self.mpo, self.bra_mps.conj()) return complex( dot * np.conjugate(self.bra_mps.coeff) * self.ket_mps.coeff ) def __str__(self): if np.iscomplexobj(self.ft): # if negative, sign is included in the imag part sign = "+" if 0 <= self.ft.imag else "" ft_str = "%g%s%gj" % (self.ft.real, sign, self.ft.imag) else: ft_str = "%g" % self.ft return "bra: %s, ket: %s, ft: %s" % (self.bra_mps, self.ket_mps, ft_str) def __iter__(self): return iter((self.bra_mps, self.ket_mps)) def min_abs(t1, t2): # t1, t2 could be int, float, complex # return the number with smaller norm assert xp.iscomplex(t1) == xp.iscomplex(t2) if xp.absolute(t1) < xp.absolute(t2): return t1 else: return t2 def _construct_freq_environ(mpos_hash: List[List[int]], hash_to_obj: Dict[int, Matrix], mps: Mps, domain: str, mps_conj): """ Construct environment tensors that are most frequently shown in the group of MPOs """ assert domain in ["L", "R"] # count mpo sequence frequency counter = Counter() for mpo_hash in mpos_hash: for i in range(1, len(mpo_hash)+1): if domain == "L": mpo_seq = mpo_hash[:i] else: mpo_seq = reversed(mpo_hash[-i:]) counter.update([tuple(mpo_seq)]) # transform the counter into a list of matrices. # The most frequent sequences first. If the same freq, then shorter sequences first # Note that shorter sequences are not less frequent than longer sequences most_common = list(counter.items()) most_common.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[1], len(x[0]))) matrices_list = [] hash_list = [] for hashes, n in most_common: # discard unique ones because they do not need to be cached if n == 1: break # cache ``len(mps)`` sequences # sequences with the same length may be treated differently. if len(mps) < len(matrices_list): break hash_list.append(hashes) matrices_list.append(list(map(hash_to_obj.get, hashes))) # contract the tensors result = {(): xp.ones((1, 1, 1), dtype=backend.real_dtype)} for m_hashes, matrices in zip(hash_list, matrices_list): environ = result[tuple(m_hashes[:-1])] if domain == "L": idx = len(matrices)-1 else: idx = -len(matrices) ms, ms_conj = mps[idx], mps_conj[idx] result[tuple(m_hashes)] = contract_one_site(environ, ms, matrices[-1], domain=domain, ms_conj=ms_conj) return result def _get_freq_environ(environ_dict, mpo, domain, max_length): assert domain in ["L", "R"] if domain == "L": it = mpo else: it = reversed(mpo) hashes = [] for mo in it: hashes.append(hash(mo)) if (not tuple(hashes) in environ_dict) or (max_length < len(hashes)): hashes.pop() break if domain == "L": i = len(hashes) - 1 else: i = len(mpo) - len(hashes) environ = environ_dict[tuple(hashes)] return environ, i