# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Jiajun Ren <jiajunren0522@gmail.com>
import logging
import os
import shutil
from typing import List, Union
from renormalizer.model import Model, HolsteinModel
from renormalizer.mps.backend import np, xp
from renormalizer.mps import svd_qn
from renormalizer.mps.svd_qn import add_outer, get_qn_mask
from renormalizer.mps.matrix import (
from renormalizer.mps.lib import (
from renormalizer.mps.hop_expr import hop_expr
from renormalizer.utils import sizeof_fmt, CompressConfig, CompressCriteria, OFS, calc_vn_entropy
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class MatrixProduct:
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, model: Model, fname: str):
npload = np.load(fname, allow_pickle=True)
mp = cls()
mp.model = model
nsites = int(npload["nsites"])
for i in range(nsites):
mt = npload[f"mt_{i}"]
if np.iscomplexobj(mt):
mp.dtype = backend.complex_dtype
mp.dtype = backend.real_dtype
mp.qn = []
for i in range(nsites+1):
subqn = npload[f"subqn_{i}"].astype(int).tolist()
mp.qnidx = int(npload["qnidx"])
mp.qntot = npload["qntot"].astype(int)
mp.to_right = bool(npload["to_right"])
return mp
def __init__(self):
# XXX: when modify theses codes, keep in mind to update `metacopy` method
# set to a list of None upon metacopy. String is used when the matrix is
# stored in disks
self._mp: List[Union[Matrix, None, str]] = []
self.dtype = backend.real_dtype
self.model: Model = None
# mpo also need to be compressed sometimes
self.compress_config: CompressConfig = CompressConfig()
# QN related
self.qn: List[np.ndarray] = []
self.qnidx: int = None
self.qntot: np.ndarray = None
# if sweeping to right: True else False
self.to_right: bool = None
def site_num(self):
return len(self._mp)
def threshold(self):
return self.compress_config.threshold
def threshold(self, v):
self.compress_config.threshold = v
def is_mps(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_mpo(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_mpdm(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_complex(self):
return self.dtype == backend.complex_dtype
def bond_dims(self) -> List:
bond_dims = (
[mt.bond_dim[0] for mt in self] + [self[-1].bond_dim[-1]]
if self.site_num
else []
# return a list so that the logging result is more pretty
return bond_dims
vbond_list = vbond_dims = bond_list = bond_dims
def bond_dims_mean(self) -> int:
return int(round(np.mean(self.bond_dims)))
def pbond_dims(self):
return self.model.pbond_list
pbond_list = pbond_dims
[docs] def build_empty_qn(self):
self.qntot = np.array([0] * self.model.qn_size)
# set qnidx to the right to be consistent with most MPS/MPO setups
if self.qnidx is None:
self.qnidx = len(self) - 1
self.qn = [np.zeros((dim, self.model.qn_size), dtype=int) for dim in self.bond_dims]
if self.to_right is None:
self.to_right = False
[docs] def build_none_qn(self):
self.qntot = None
self.qnidx = None
self.qn = None
self.to_right = None
[docs] def move_qnidx(self, dstidx: int):
Quantum number has a boundary site, left hand of the site is L system qn,
right hand of the side is R system qn, the sum of quantum number of L system
and R system is tot.
# construct the L system qn
for idx in range(self.qnidx + 1, self.site_num + 1):
self.qn[idx] = self.qntot - self.qn[idx]
# set boundary to fsite:
for idx in range(self.site_num, dstidx, -1):
self.qn[idx] = self.qntot - self.qn[idx]
self.qnidx = dstidx
[docs] def check_left_canonical(self, rtol: float = None, atol: float = None):
check L-canonical
for i in range(len(self) - 1):
if not self[i].check_lortho(rtol, atol):
return False
return True
[docs] def check_right_canonical(self, rtol: float = None, atol: float = None):
check R-canonical
for i in range(1, len(self)):
if not self[i].check_rortho(rtol, atol):
return False
return True
def is_left_canonical(self):
check the qn center in the L-canonical structure
return self.qnidx == self.site_num - 1
def is_right_canonical(self):
check the qn center in the R-canonical structure
return self.qnidx == 0
[docs] def ensure_left_canonical(self, rtol: float = None, atol: float = None):
if (
or self.qnidx != self.site_num - 1
or (not self.check_left_canonical(rtol, atol))
self.to_right = True
return self.canonicalise()
return self
[docs] def ensure_right_canonical(self, rtol: float = None, atol: float = None):
if (
(not self.to_right)
or self.qnidx != 0
or (not self.check_right_canonical(rtol, atol))
self.move_qnidx(self.site_num - 1)
self.to_right = False
return self.canonicalise()
return self
[docs] def iter_idx_list(self, full: bool, stop_idx: int=None):
# if not `full`, the last site is omitted.
if self.to_right:
if stop_idx is not None:
last = stop_idx
last = self.site_num if full else self.site_num - 1
return range(self.qnidx, last)
if stop_idx is not None:
last = stop_idx
last = -1 if full else 0
return range(self.qnidx, last, -1)
[docs] def _update_ms(
self, idx: int, u: np.ndarray, vt: np.ndarray, sigma=None, qnlset=None, qnrset=None, m_trunc=None
r""" update mps directly after svd
if m_trunc is None:
m_trunc = u.shape[1]
u = u[:, :m_trunc]
vt = vt[:m_trunc, :]
if sigma is None:
# canonicalise, vt is not unitary
if self.is_mpo:
if self.to_right:
norm = np.linalg.norm(vt)
u *= norm
vt /= norm
norm = np.linalg.norm(u)
u /= norm
vt *= norm
sigma = sigma[:m_trunc]
if (not self.is_mpo and self.to_right) or (self.is_mpo and not self.to_right):
vt = np.einsum("i, ij -> ij", sigma, vt)
u = np.einsum("ji, i -> ji", u, sigma)
if self.to_right:
self[idx + 1] = tensordot(vt, self[idx + 1], axes=1)
ret_mpsi = u.reshape(
[u.shape[0] // self[idx].pdim_prod] + list(self[idx].pdim) + [m_trunc]
if qnlset is not None:
self.qn[idx + 1] = np.array(qnlset[:m_trunc])
self.qnidx = idx + 1
self[idx - 1] = tensordot(self[idx - 1], u, axes=1)
ret_mpsi = vt.reshape(
[m_trunc] + list(self[idx].pdim) + [vt.shape[1] // self[idx].pdim_prod]
if qnrset is not None:
self.qn[idx] = np.array(qnrset[:m_trunc])
self.qnidx = idx - 1
if ret_mpsi.nbytes < ret_mpsi.base.nbytes * 0.8:
# do copy here to discard unnecessary data. Note that in NumPy common slicing returns
# a `view` containing the original data. If `ret_mpsi` is used directly the original
# `u` or `vt` is not garbage collected.
ret_mpsi = ret_mpsi.copy()
assert ret_mpsi.any()
self[idx] = ret_mpsi
[docs] def _switch_direction(self):
assert self.to_right is not None
if self.to_right:
self.qnidx = self.site_num - 1
self.to_right = False
# assert self.check_left_canonical()
self.qnidx = 0
self.to_right = True
# assert self.check_right_canonical()
[docs] def _get_big_qn(self, cidx: List[int], swap=False):
r""" get the quantum number of L-block and R-block renormalized basis
cidx : list
a list of center(active) site index. For 1site/2site algorithm, cidx
has one/two elements.
qnbigl : np.ndarray
super-L-block (L-block + active site if necessary) quantum number
qnbigr : np.ndarray
super-R-block (active site + R-block if necessary) quantum number
qnmat : np.ndarray
L-block + active site + R-block quantum number
if len(cidx) == 2:
cidx = sorted(cidx)
assert cidx[0]+1 == cidx[1]
elif len(cidx) > 2:
assert False
assert self.qnidx in cidx
sigmaqn = [np.array(self._get_sigmaqn(idx)) for idx in cidx]
if swap:
assert len(sigmaqn) == 2
sigmaqn = sigmaqn[::-1]
qnl = np.array(self.qn[cidx[0]])
qnr = np.array(self.qn[cidx[-1]+1])
if len(cidx) == 1:
if self.to_right:
qnbigl = add_outer(qnl, sigmaqn[0])
qnbigr = qnr
qnbigl = qnl
qnbigr = add_outer(sigmaqn[0], qnr)
qnbigl = add_outer(qnl, sigmaqn[0])
qnbigr = add_outer(sigmaqn[1], qnr)
qnmat = add_outer(qnbigl, qnbigr)
return qnbigl, qnbigr, qnmat
def mp_norm(self) -> float:
# the fast version in the comment rarely makes sense because in a lot of cases
# the mps is not canonicalised (though qnidx is set)
if self.is_left_canon:
assert self.check_left_canonical()
return np.linalg.norm(np.ravel(self[-1]))
assert self.check_right_canonical()
return np.linalg.norm(np.ravel(self[0]))
res = self.conj().dot(self).real
if res < 0:
assert np.abs(res) < 1e-8
res = 0
res = np.sqrt(res)
return float(res)
[docs] def add(self, other: "MatrixProduct"):
assert np.all(self.qntot == other.qntot)
assert self.site_num == other.site_num
new_mps = self.metacopy()
if other.dtype == backend.complex_dtype:
new_mps.dtype = backend.complex_dtype
if self.is_complex:
if self.is_mps: # MPS
new_mps[0] = dstack([self[0], other[0]])
for i in range(1, self.site_num - 1):
mta = self[i]
mtb = other[i]
pdim = mta.shape[1]
assert pdim == mtb.shape[1]
new_ms = zeros(
[mta.shape[0] + mtb.shape[0], pdim, mta.shape[2] + mtb.shape[2]],
new_ms[: mta.shape[0], :, : mta.shape[2]] = mta
new_ms[mta.shape[0] :, :, mta.shape[2] :] = mtb
new_mps[i] = new_ms
new_mps[-1] = vstack([self[-1], other[-1]])
elif self.is_mpo or self.is_mpdm: # MPO
new_mps[0] = concatenate((self[0], other[0]), axis=3)
for i in range(1, self.site_num - 1):
mta = self[i]
mtb = other[i]
pdimu = mta.shape[1]
pdimd = mta.shape[2]
assert pdimu == mtb.shape[1]
assert pdimd == mtb.shape[2]
new_ms = zeros(
mta.shape[0] + mtb.shape[0],
mta.shape[3] + mtb.shape[3],
new_ms[: mta.shape[0], :, :, : mta.shape[3]] = mta[:, :, :, :]
new_ms[mta.shape[0] :, :, :, mta.shape[3] :] = mtb[:, :, :, :]
new_mps[i] = new_ms
new_mps[-1] = concatenate((self[-1], other[-1]), axis=0)
assert False
# assert self.qnidx == other.qnidx
new_mps.to_right = other.to_right
new_mps.qn = [np.concatenate([qn1, qn2]) for qn1, qn2 in zip(self.qn, other.qn)]
# qn at the boundary should have dimension 1
new_mps.qn[0] = np.zeros((1, new_mps.qn[0].shape[1]), dtype=int)
new_mps.qn[-1] = np.zeros((1, new_mps.qn[0].shape[1]), dtype=int)
return new_mps
[docs] def compress(self, temp_m_trunc=None, ret_s=False):
inp: canonicalise MPS (or MPO)
temp_m_trunc : int
Temporary truncation bond dimension. Overwrites the compression
configuration in ``CompressConfig``.
ret_s: bool
Whether return the singular values at the bonds.
The singular values are padded to a rectangular array with zero values.
truncated MPS
if self.to_right:
assert self.qnidx == 0
assert self.qnidx == self.site_num-1
if self.compress_config.bonddim_should_set:
# used for logging at exit
sz_before = self.total_bytes
if not self.is_mpo:
# ensure mps is canonicalised. This is time consuming.
# to disable this, run python as `python -O`
if self.is_left_canonical:
assert self.check_left_canonical()
assert self.check_right_canonical()
system = "L" if self.to_right else "R"
s_list = []
for idx in self.iter_idx_list(full=False):
mt: Matrix = self[idx]
qnbigl, qnbigr, _ = self._get_big_qn([idx])
u, sigma, qnlset, v, sigma, qnrset = svd_qn.svd_qn(
vt = v.T
if temp_m_trunc is None:
m_trunc = self.compress_config.compute_m_trunc(
sigma, idx, self.to_right
m_trunc = min(temp_m_trunc, len(sigma))
idx, u, vt, sigma, qnlset, qnrset, m_trunc
compress_ratio = sz_before / self.total_bytes
logger.debug(f"size before/after compress: {sizeof_fmt(sz_before)}/{sizeof_fmt(self.total_bytes)}, ratio: {compress_ratio}")
if not ret_s:
# usual exit
return self
# return singular value list
# pad with zero
max_length = max(len(s) for s in s_list)
s_array = np.array([np.pad(arr, (0, max_length - len(arr))) for arr in s_list])
return self, s_array
[docs] def variational_compress(self, mpo=None, guess=None):
r"""Variational compress an mps/mpdm/mpo
mpo : renormalizer.mps.Mpo, optional
Default is ``None``. if mpo is not ``None``, the returned mps is
an approximation of ``mpo @ self``
guess : renormalizer.mps.MatrixProduct, optional
Initial guess of compressed mps/mpdm/mpo. Default is ``None``.
the variational compress related configurations is defined in
``self`` if ``guess=None``, otherwise is defined in ``guess``
mp : renormalizer.mps.MatrixProduct
a new compressed mps/mpdm/mpo, ``self`` is not overwritten.
``guess`` is overwritten.
if mpo is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Recommend to use svd to compress a single mps/mpo/mpdm.")
if guess is None:
# a minimal representation of self and mpo
compressed_mpo = mpo.copy().canonicalise().compress(
compressed_mps = self.copy().canonicalise().compress(
# the attributes of guess would be the same as self
guess = compressed_mpo.apply(compressed_mps)
mps = guess
logger.info(f"initial guess bond dims: {mps.bond_dims}")
procedure = mps.compress_config.vprocedure
method = mps.compress_config.vmethod
environ = Environ(self, mpo, "L", mps_conj=mps.conj())
for isweep, (compress_config, percent) in enumerate(procedure):
logger.debug(f"isweep: {isweep}")
logger.debug(f"mps bond dims: {mps.bond_dims}")
if isinstance(compress_config, CompressConfig):
mps.compress_config = compress_config
logger.debug(f"compress_config, percent: {compress_config}, {percent}")
elif isinstance(compress_config, int):
mps.compress_config = CompressConfig(CompressCriteria.fixed,
logger.debug(f"mmax, percent: {compress_config}, {percent}")
assert False
for imps in mps.iter_idx_list(full=True):
if method == "2site" and \
((mps.to_right and imps == mps.site_num-1)
or ((not mps.to_right) and imps == 0)):
if mps.to_right:
lmethod, rmethod = "System", "Enviro"
lmethod, rmethod = "Enviro", "System"
if method == "1site":
lidx = imps - 1
cidx= [imps]
ridx = imps + 1
elif method == "2site":
if mps.to_right:
lidx = imps - 1
cidx = [imps, imps+1]
ridx = imps + 2
lidx = imps - 2
cidx = [imps-1, imps] # center site
ridx = imps + 1
assert False
logger.debug(f"optimize site: {cidx}")
# todo: avoid the conjugations
ltensor = environ.GetLR(
"L", lidx, self, mpo, itensor=None, method=lmethod,
rtensor = environ.GetLR(
"R", ridx, self, mpo, itensor=None, method=rmethod,
# get the quantum number pattern
qnbigl, qnbigr, qnmat = mps._get_big_qn(cidx)
qn_mask = get_qn_mask(qnmat, mps.qntot)
# center mo
cmo = [asxp(mpo[idx]) for idx in cidx]
if method == "1site":
cms = asxp(self[cidx[0]])
assert method == "2site"
cms = tensordot(self[cidx[0]], self[cidx[1]], axes=1)
hop = hop_expr(ltensor, rtensor, cmo, cms.shape)
cout = hop(cms)
# clean up the elements which do not meet the qn requirements
cout[~qn_mask] = 0
mps._update_mps(cout, cidx, qnbigl, qnbigr, percent)
if mps.compress_config.ofs is not None:
# need to swap the original MPS. Tedious to implement and probably not useful.
raise NotImplementedError("OFS for variational compress not implemented")
# check convergence
if isweep > 0 and percent == 0:
error = mps.distance(mps_old) / np.sqrt(mps.dot(mps.conj()).real)
logger.info(f"Variation compress relative error: {error}")
if error < mps.compress_config.vrtol:
logger.info("Variational compress is converged!")
mps_old = mps.copy()
"Variational compress is not converged! Please increase the procedure!"
# remove the redundant bond dimension near the boundary of the MPS
return mps
[docs] def _update_mps(self, cstruct, cidx, qnbigl, qnbigr, percent=0):
r"""update mps with basis selection algorithm of J. Chem. Phys. 120,
3172 (2004).
cstruct : ndarray, List[ndarray]
The active site coefficient.
cidx : list
The List of active site index.
qnbigl : ndarray
The super-L-block quantum number.
qnbigr : ndarray
The super-R-block quantum number.
percent : float, int
The percentage of renormalized basis which is equally selected from
each quantum number section rather than according to singular
values. ``percent`` is defined in ``procedure`` of
`renormalizer.utils.configs.OptimizeConfig` and ``vprocedure`` of
averaged_ms :
if ``cstruct`` is a list, ``averaged_ms`` is a list of rotated ms of
each element in ``cstruct`` as a single site calculation. It is
used for better initial guess in SA-DMRG algorithm. Otherwise,
``None`` is returned.
``self`` is overwritten inplace.
system = "L" if self.to_right else "R"
if self.compress_config.bonddim_should_set:
# step 1: get the selected U, S, V
if type(cstruct) is not list:
if self.compress_config.ofs is None:
# SVD method
# full_matrices = True here to enable increase the bond dimension
Uset, SUset, qnlnew, Vset, SVset, qnrnew = svd_qn.svd_qn(
asnumpy(cstruct), qnbigl, qnbigr, self.qntot, system=system
if isinstance(self.model, HolsteinModel):
# the HolsteinModel class methods are incompatible with OFS
raise NotImplementedError("Can't perform OFS on Holstein model")
qnbigl1, qnbigr1 = qnbigl, qnbigr
Uset1, SUset1, qnlnew1, Vset1, SVset1, qnrnew1 = svd_qn.svd_qn(
asnumpy(cstruct), qnbigl1, qnbigr1, self.qntot, system=system
qnbigl2, qnbigr2, _ = self._get_big_qn(cidx, swap=True)
if cstruct.ndim == 4:
cstruct2 = asnumpy(cstruct).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
assert cstruct.ndim == 6
cstruct2 = asnumpy(cstruct).transpose(0, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5)
if self.compress_config.ofs_swap_jw:
assert cstruct2.ndim == 4
cstruct2 = cstruct2.copy()
cstruct2[:, 1, 1, :] = -cstruct2[:, 1, 1, :]
Uset2, SUset2, qnlnew2, Vset2, SVset2, qnrnew2 = svd_qn.svd_qn(
cstruct2, qnbigl2, qnbigr2, self.qntot, system=system
entropy1 = calc_vn_entropy(SUset1**2)
entropy2 = calc_vn_entropy(SUset2**2)
# TODO: more general control according to
# CompressCriteria.thresh
assert self.compress_config.criteria == CompressCriteria.fixed
Mmax = self.compress_config.bond_dim_max_value
loss1 = (np.sort(SUset1)[::-1][Mmax:] ** 2).sum()
loss2 = (np.sort(SUset2)[::-1][Mmax:] ** 2).sum()
ofs = self.compress_config.ofs
if ofs is OFS.ofs_d:
should_retain = loss1 <= loss2
elif ofs is OFS.ofs_ds:
if loss1 < 1e-10 and loss2 < 1e-10:
# at the end of the chain
should_retain = entropy1 <= entropy2
should_retain = loss1 <= loss2
elif ofs is OFS.ofs_s:
should_retain = entropy1 <= entropy2
assert ofs is OFS.ofs_debug
should_retain = True
logger.debug(f"OFS: site index {cidx}, should swap: {not should_retain}, "
f"S: {entropy1}, {entropy2}, loss: {loss1}, {loss2}")
if should_retain:
Uset, SUset, qnlnew, Vset, SVset, qnrnew = \
Uset1, SUset1, qnlnew1, Vset1, SVset1, qnrnew1
Uset, SUset, qnlnew, Vset, SVset, qnrnew = \
Uset2, SUset2, qnlnew2, Vset2, SVset2, qnrnew2
qnbigl, qnbigr, cstruct = qnbigl2, qnbigr2, cstruct2
new_basis = self.model.basis.copy()
new_basis[cidx[0]:cidx[1] + 1] = reversed(self.model.basis[cidx[0]:cidx[1] + 1])
# previously cached MPOs are destroyed.
# Not sure what is the best way: swap all cached MPOs or simply reconstruct them
# Need some additional testing at production level calculation
self.model: Model = Model(new_basis, self.model.ham_terms, self.model.dipole, self.model.output_ordering)
logger.debug(f"DOF ordering: {[b.dof for b in self.model.basis]}")
if self.to_right:
m_trunc = self.compress_config.compute_m_trunc(
SUset, cidx[0], self.to_right
ms, msdim, msqn, compms = select_basis(
Uset, SUset, qnlnew, Vset, m_trunc, percent=percent
ms = ms.reshape(list(qnbigl.shape[:-1]) + [msdim])
compms = xp.moveaxis(compms.reshape(list(qnbigr.shape[:-1]) + [msdim]), -1, 0)
m_trunc = self.compress_config.compute_m_trunc(
SVset, cidx[-1], self.to_right
ms, msdim, msqn, compms = select_basis(
Vset, SVset, qnrnew, Uset, m_trunc, percent=percent
ms = xp.moveaxis(ms.reshape(list(qnbigr.shape[:-1]) + [msdim]), -1, 0)
compms = compms.reshape(list(qnbigl.shape[:-1]) + [msdim])
# state-averaged method
ddm = 0.0
for iroot in range(len(cstruct)):
if self.to_right:
ddm += tensordot(
range(qnbigl.ndim-1, cstruct[iroot].ndim),
range(qnbigl.ndim-1, cstruct[iroot].ndim),
ddm += tensordot(
axes=(range(qnbigl.ndim-1), range(qnbigl.ndim-1)),
ddm /= len(cstruct)
Uset, Sset, qnnew = svd_qn.eigh_qn(
asnumpy(ddm), qnbigl, qnbigr, self.qntot, system=system
if self.to_right:
m_trunc = self.compress_config.compute_m_trunc(
Sset, cidx[0], self.to_right
m_trunc = self.compress_config.compute_m_trunc(
Sset, cidx[-1], self.to_right
ms, msdim, msqn, compms = select_basis(
Uset, Sset, qnnew, None, m_trunc, percent=percent
rotated_c = []
averaged_ms = []
if self.to_right:
ms = ms.reshape(list(qnbigl.shape[:-1]) + [msdim])
for c in cstruct:
compms = tensordot(
axes=(range(qnbigl.ndim-1), range(qnbigl.ndim-1)),
compms = rotated_c[0]
ms = ms.reshape(list(qnbigr.shape[:-1]) + [msdim])
for c in cstruct:
compms = tensordot(
axes=(range(qnbigl.ndim-1, cstruct[0].ndim), range(qnbigr.ndim-1)),
compms = rotated_c[0]
ms = xp.moveaxis(ms, -1, 0)
# step 2, put updated U, S, V back to self
if len(cidx) == 1:
# 1site method
self[cidx[0]] = ms
if self.to_right:
if cidx[0] != self.site_num - 1:
if type(cstruct) is list:
for c in rotated_c:
averaged_ms.append(tensordot(c, self[cidx[0] + 1],
self[cidx[0] + 1] = tensordot(compms, self[cidx[0] + 1], axes=1)
self.qn[cidx[0] + 1] = msqn
self.qnidx = cidx[0] + 1
if type(cstruct) is list:
for c in rotated_c:
averaged_ms.append(tensordot(self[cidx[0]], c, axes=1))
self[cidx[0]] = tensordot(self[cidx[0]], compms, axes=1)
self.qnidx = self.site_num - 1
if cidx[0] != 0:
if type(cstruct) is list:
for c in rotated_c:
averaged_ms.append(tensordot(self[cidx[0] - 1], c, axes=1))
self[cidx[0] - 1] = tensordot(self[cidx[0] - 1], compms, axes=1)
self.qn[cidx[0]] = msqn
self.qnidx = cidx[0] - 1
if type(cstruct) is list:
for c in rotated_c:
averaged_ms.append(tensordot(c, self[cidx[0]], axes=1))
self[cidx[0]] = tensordot(compms, self[cidx[0]], axes=1)
self.qnidx = 0
if self.to_right:
self[cidx[0]] = ms
self[cidx[1]] = compms
self.qnidx = cidx[1]
self[cidx[1]] = ms
self[cidx[0]] = compms
self.qnidx = cidx[0]
if type(cstruct) is list:
averaged_ms = rotated_c
self.qn[cidx[1]] = msqn
if type(cstruct) is list:
return averaged_ms
return None
[docs] def _push_cano(self, idx):
# move the canonical center to the next site
# idx is the current canonical center
mt: Matrix = self[idx]
assert mt.any()
qnbigl, qnbigr, _ = self._get_big_qn([idx])
system = "L" if self.to_right else "R"
u, qnlset, v, qnrset = svd_qn.svd_qn(
idx, u, v.T, sigma=None, qnlset=qnlset, qnrset=qnrset
[docs] def canonicalise(self, stop_idx: int=None):
# stop_idx: mix canonical site at `stop_idx`
if self.to_right:
assert self.qnidx == 0
assert self.qnidx == self.site_num-1
for idx in self.iter_idx_list(full=False, stop_idx=stop_idx):
# can't iter to idx == 0 or idx == self.site_num - 1
if (not self.to_right and idx == 1) or (self.to_right and idx == self.site_num - 2):
return self
[docs] def conj(self):
complex conjugate
new_mp = self.metacopy()
for idx, mt in enumerate(self):
new_mp[idx] = mt.conj()
return new_mp
[docs] def dot(self, other: "MatrixProduct") -> complex:
dot product of two mps / mpo
assert len(self) == len(other)
e0 = xp.eye(1, 1)
# for debugging. It has little computational cost anyway
debug_t = []
for mt1, mt2 in zip(self, other):
# sum_x e0[:,x].m[x,:,:]
e0 = tensordot(e0, mt2.array, 1)
# sum_ij e0[i,p,:] self[i,p,:]
# note, need to flip a (:) index onto top,
# therefore take transpose
if mt1.ndim == 3:
e0 = tensordot(e0, mt1.array, ([0, 1], [0, 1])).T
elif mt1.ndim == 4:
e0 = tensordot(e0, mt1.array, ([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2])).T
assert False
return complex(e0[0, 0])
[docs] def dot_ob(self, other: "MatrixProduct") -> complex:
dot product of two mps / mpo with open boundary, but the boundary of mps/mpo is larger than
1, different from the normal mps/mpo
assert len(self) == len(other)
e0 = xp.eye(self[0].shape[0])
tmp = xp.eye(other[0].shape[0])
e0 = tensordot(e0, tmp, 0).transpose(0,2,1,3)
for mt1, mt2 in zip(self, other):
e0 = tensordot(e0, mt2.array, 1)
if mt1.ndim == 3:
e0 = tensordot(e0, mt1.array, ([2, 3], [0, 1])).transpose(0,1,3,2)
elif mt1.ndim == 4:
e0 = tensordot(e0, mt1.array, ([2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2])).transpose(0,1,3,2)
assert False
return e0
[docs] def angle(self, other):
return abs(self.conj().dot(other))
[docs] def scale(self, val, inplace=False):
new_mp = self if inplace else self.copy()
# np.iscomplex regards 1+0j as non complex while np.iscomplexobj
# regards 1+0j as complex. The former is the desired behavior
if np.iscomplex(val):
val = val.real
assert new_mp[self.qnidx].array.any()
new_mp[self.qnidx] = new_mp[self.qnidx] * val
return new_mp
[docs] def to_complex(self, inplace=False):
if inplace:
new_mp = self
new_mp = self.metacopy()
new_mp.dtype = backend.complex_dtype
for i, mt in enumerate(self):
if mt is None:
# dummy mt after metacopy. Bad idea. Remove the dummy thing when feasible
new_mp[i] = mt.to_complex()
return new_mp
[docs] def distance(self, other) -> float:
l1 = self.conj().dot(self)
l2 = other.conj().dot(other)
l1dotl2 = self.conj().dot(other)
dis_square = (l1 + l2
- l1dotl2
- l1dotl2.conjugate()).real
if dis_square < 0:
assert dis_square/l1.real < 1e-8
res = 0.
res = np.sqrt(dis_square).item()
return float(res)
[docs] def copy(self):
new = self.metacopy()
# use getitem/setitem to handle strings
for i in range(self.site_num):
new[i] = self[i].copy()
return new
# only (shallow) copy metadata because usually after been copied the real data is overwritten
[docs] def _array2mt(self, array, idx, allow_dump=True):
# convert dtype
if isinstance(array, Matrix):
mt = array.astype(self.dtype)
mt = Matrix(array, dtype=self.dtype)
if mt.pdim[0] != self.pbond_list[idx]:
raise ValueError("Matrix physical bond dimension does not match system information")
# setup the matrix
mt.sigmaqn = self._get_sigmaqn(idx)
# array too large. Should be stored in disk
# use ``while`` to handle the multiple-exit logic
while allow_dump and self.compress_config.dump_matrix_size < mt.array.nbytes:
dir_with_id = os.path.join(self.compress_config.dump_matrix_dir, str(id(self)))
if not os.path.exists(dir_with_id):
logger.exception("Creating dump dir failed. Working with the matrix in memory.")
dump_name = os.path.join(dir_with_id, f"{idx}.npy")
array = mt.array
if not array.flags.c_contiguous and not array.flags.f_contiguous:
# for faster dump (3x). Costs more memory.
array = np.ascontiguousarray(array)
np.save(dump_name, array)
logger.exception("Save matrix to disk failed. Working with the matrix in memory.")
return dump_name
return mt
[docs] def build_empty_mp(self, num):
self._mp = [[None]] * num
[docs] def dump(self, fname, other_attrs=None):
if other_attrs is None:
other_attrs = []
elif isinstance(other_attrs, str):
other_attrs = [other_attrs]
assert isinstance(other_attrs, list)
data_dict = dict()
# version of the protocol
data_dict["version"] = "0.4"
data_dict["nsites"] = self.site_num
for idx, mt in enumerate(self):
data_dict[f"mt_{idx}"] = mt.array
for attr in ["qnidx", "qntot", "qn", "to_right"] + other_attrs:
data_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
qn = data_dict['qn']
arr = np.empty(len(qn), object)
arr[:] = qn
data_dict['qn'] = arr
for i in range(self.site_num+1):
data_dict[f"subqn_{i}"] = qn[i]
np.savez(fname, **data_dict)
except Exception:
logger.exception(f"Dump MP failed.")
def total_bytes(self):
return sum(array.nbytes for array in self)
[docs] def _get_sigmaqn(self, idx):
raise NotImplementedError
def __eq__(self, other):
for m1, m2 in zip(self, other):
if not allclose(m1, m2):
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __repr__(self):
return "%s with %d sites" % (self.__class__, len(self))
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(self.site_num):
yield self[i]
def __len__(self):
# The same semantic with `list`
return len(self._mp)
def __mul__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, (float, complex))
return self.scale(other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, (float, complex))
return self.scale(other)
def __getitem__(self, item):
mt_or_str_or_list = self._mp[item]
if isinstance(mt_or_str_or_list, list):
assert isinstance(item, slice)
for elem in mt_or_str_or_list:
if isinstance(elem, str):
# load all matrices to memory will make
# the dump mechanism pointless
raise IndexError("Can't slice on dump matrices.")
if isinstance(mt_or_str_or_list, str):
mt = Matrix(np.load(mt_or_str_or_list), dtype=self.dtype)
mt.sigmaqn = self._get_sigmaqn(item)
logger.exception(f"Can't load matrix from {mt_or_str_or_list}")
raise RuntimeError("MPS internal structure corrupted.")
if not isinstance(mt_or_str_or_list, (Matrix, type(None))):
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown matrix type: {type(mt_or_str_or_list)}")
mt = mt_or_str_or_list
return mt
def __setitem__(self, key, array):
old_mt = self._mp[key]
if isinstance(old_mt, str):
logger.exception(f"Remove {old_mt} failed")
new_mt = self._array2mt(array, key)
self._mp[key] = new_mt
def __add__(self, other: "MatrixProduct"):
return self.add(other)
def __sub__(self, other: "MatrixProduct"):
return self.add(other.scale(-1))
[docs] def append(self, array):
new_mt = self._array2mt(array, len(self))
if len(self._mp) != 0:
assert new_mt.array.shape[0] == self._mp[-1].shape[-1]
def __str__(self):
if self.is_mps:
string = "mps"
elif self.is_mpo:
string = "mpo"
elif self.is_mpdm:
string = "mpdm"
assert False
template_str = "{} current size: {}, Matrix product bond dim:{}"
return template_str.format(string, sizeof_fmt(self.total_bytes), self.bond_dims,)
def __del__(self):
dir_with_id = os.path.join(self.compress_config.dump_matrix_dir, str(id(self)))
if os.path.exists(dir_with_id):
except OSError:
logger.exception(f"Removing temperary dump dir {dir_with_id} failed")
[docs] @classmethod
def from_mp(cls, model, mplist):
# mps/mpo/mpdm from matrix product
mp = cls()
mp.model = model
for mt in mplist:
if np.iscomplexobj(mt):
mp.dtype = backend.complex_dtype
for mt in mplist:
return mp