Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Tong Jiang <>
# finite temperature absorption/emission spectrum based on Correction vector

import copy
import os
import logging
import scipy
from itertools import product

from renormalizer.mps.matrix import (
from import SpectraCv
from renormalizer.mps.backend import np, xp
from renormalizer.mps.matrix import asxp, asnumpy
from renormalizer.mps import (
    Mpo, svd_qn, MpDm, ThermalProp, load_thermal_state)
from renormalizer.mps.lib import update_cv
from renormalizer.utils import (
    CompressConfig, EvolveConfig,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SpectraFtCV(SpectraCv): r""" Use DDMRG to calculate the finite temperature spectrum from frequency domain Args: model (:class:`~renormalizer.model.Model`): system information. spectratype (string): "abs" or "emi". m_max (int): maximal bond dimension of correction vector. eta (float): Lorentzian broadening width (a.u.). temperature (:class:`~renormalizer.utils.Quantity`): simulation temperature. h_mpo (:class:`~renormalizer.mps.Mpo`): system Hamiltonian. method (str): "1site" or "2site". procedure_cv (list): percent used for each sweep. rtol (float): the relative tolerance of the spectrum strength, default: 1e-5. b_mps (:class:`~renormalizer.mps.Mps`): the b vector -eta * dipole * \psi_0, default: None. (Holstein model could construct b_mps implicitly). cv_mps (:class:`~renormalizer.mps.Mps`): initial guess of cv_mps, default: None. icompress_config (:class:`~renormalizer.utils.CompressConfig`): config when compressing MPS/MPO during the imaginary time evolution.. ievolve_config (:class:`~renormalizer.utils.EvolveConfig`): evolution config for imaginary time evolution. insteps (int): evolve steps for imaginary time evolution. have to be provided when calculating emission. dump_dir (str): the directory for logging and numerical result output. Also the directory from which to load previous thermal propagated initial state (if exists). job_name (str): the name of the calculation job which determines the file name of the logging and numerical result output. Example:: see test/ for example """ def __init__( self, model, spectratype, m_max, eta, temperature, h_mpo=None, method='1site', procedure_cv=None, rtol=1e-5, b_mps=None, cv_mps=None, icompress_config=None, ievolve_config=None, insteps=None, dump_dir: str=None, job_name=None, ): self.temperature = temperature self.evolve_config = ievolve_config self.compress_config = icompress_config if self.evolve_config is None: self.evolve_config = \ EvolveConfig() if self.compress_config is None: self.compress_config = \ CompressConfig(CompressCriteria.fixed, max_bonddim=m_max) self.compress_config.set_bonddim(len(model.pbond_list)) self.insteps = insteps self.job_name = job_name self.dump_dir = dump_dir super().__init__( model, spectratype, m_max, eta, h_mpo=h_mpo, method=method, procedure_cv=procedure_cv, rtol=rtol, b_mps=b_mps, cv_mps=cv_mps, ) self.cv_mpo = self.cv_mps self.b_mpo = self.b_mps self.a_oper = None
[docs] def init_cv_mpo(self): cv_mpo = Mpo.finiteT_cv(self.model, 1, self.m_max, self.spectratype, percent=1.0) return cv_mpo
init_cv_mps = init_cv_mpo
[docs] def init_b_mpo(self): # get the right hand site vector b, Ax=b # b = -eta * dipole * \psi_0 # only support Holstien model 0/1 exciton manifold beta = self.temperature.to_beta() if self.spectratype == "abs": dipole_mpo = Mpo.onsite(self.model, r"a^\dagger", dipole=True) i_mpo = MpDm.max_entangled_gs(self.model) tp = ThermalProp(i_mpo, exact=True, space='GS') tp.evolve(None, 1, beta / 2j) ket_mpo = tp.latest_mps elif self.spectratype == "emi": dipole_mpo = Mpo.onsite(self.model, "a", dipole=True) if self._defined_output_path: ket_mpo = \ load_thermal_state(self.model, self._thermal_dump_path) else: ket_mpo = None if ket_mpo is None: impo = MpDm.max_entangled_ex(self.model) impo.compress_config = self.compress_config if self.job_name is None: job_name = None else: job_name = self.job_name + "_thermal_prop" tp = ThermalProp( impo, evolve_config=self.evolve_config, dump_dir=self.dump_dir, job_name=job_name) tp.evolve(None, self.insteps, beta / 2j) ket_mpo = tp.latest_mps if self._defined_output_path: ket_mpo.dump(self._thermal_dump_path) else: assert False ket_mpo = dipole_mpo.apply(ket_mpo.scale(-self.eta)) return ket_mpo, None
init_b_mps = init_b_mpo @property def _thermal_dump_path(self): assert self._defined_output_path return os.path.join(self.dump_dir, self.job_name + "_impo.npz") @property def _defined_output_path(self): return self.dump_dir is not None and self.job_name is not None
[docs] def oper_prepare(self, omega): identity = Mpo.identity(self.model).scale(omega) self.a_oper = identity.add(self.h_mpo.scale(-1, inplace=False))
[docs] def optimize_cv(self, lr_group, isite, percent=0): if self.spectratype == "abs": # quantum number restriction, |1><0| up_exciton, down_exciton = 1, 0 elif self.spectratype == "emi": # quantum number restriction, |0><1| up_exciton, down_exciton = 0, 1 nexciton = 1 first_LR, second_LR, third_LR, forth_LR = lr_group if self.method == "1site": add_list = [isite - 1] first_L = asxp(first_LR[isite - 1]) first_R = asxp(first_LR[isite]) second_L = asxp(second_LR[isite - 1]) second_R = asxp(second_LR[isite]) third_L = asxp(third_LR[isite - 1]) third_R = asxp(third_LR[isite]) forth_L = asxp(forth_LR[isite - 1]) forth_R = asxp(forth_LR[isite]) else: add_list = [isite - 2, isite - 1] first_L = asxp(first_LR[isite - 2]) first_R = asxp(first_LR[isite]) second_L = asxp(second_LR[isite - 2]) second_R = asxp(second_LR[isite]) third_L = asxp(third_LR[isite - 2]) third_R = asxp(third_LR[isite]) forth_L = asxp(forth_LR[isite - 2]) forth_R = asxp(forth_LR[isite]) xqnmat, xqnbigl, xqnbigr, xshape = \ self.construct_X_qnmat(add_list) dag_qnmat, dag_qnbigl, dag_qnbigr = self.swap(xqnmat, xqnbigl, xqnbigr) nonzeros = int(np.sum( self.condition( dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton]) )) if self.method == "1site": guess = moveaxis(self.cv_mpo[isite - 1], (1, 2), (2, 1)) else: guess = tensordot(moveaxis(self.cv_mpo[isite - 2], (1, 2), (2, 1)), moveaxis(self.cv_mpo[isite - 1]), axes=(-1, 0)) guess = guess[ self.condition( dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton])] if self.method == "1site": # define dot path path_1 = [([0, 1], "abcd, aefg -> bcdefg"), ([3, 0], "bcdefg, bfhi -> cdeghi"), ([2, 0], "cdeghi, chjk -> degijk"), ([1, 0], "degijk, gikl -> dejl")] path_2 = [([0, 1], "abcd, aefg -> bcdefg"), ([3, 0], "bcdefg, bfhi -> cdeghi"), ([2, 0], "cdeghi, djek -> cghijk"), ([1, 0], "cghijk, gilk -> chjl")] path_3 = [([0, 1], "ab, acde -> bcde"), ([1, 0], "bcde, ef -> bcdf")] vecb = multi_tensor_contract( path_3, forth_L, moveaxis(self.b_mpo[isite - 1], (1, 2), (2, 1)), forth_R)[self.condition(dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton])] a_oper_isite = asxp(self.a_oper[isite - 1]) h_mpo_isite = asxp(self.h_mpo[isite - 1]) # construct preconditioner Idt = xp.identity(h_mpo_isite.shape[1]) M1_1 = xp.einsum('abca->abc', first_L) path_m1 = [([0, 1], "abc, bdef->acdef"), ([1, 0], "acdef, cegh->adfgh")] M1_2 = multi_tensor_contract(path_m1, M1_1, a_oper_isite, a_oper_isite) M1_2 = xp.einsum("abcbd->abcd", M1_2) M1_3 = xp.einsum('ecde->ecd', first_R) M1_4 = xp.einsum('ff->f', Idt) path_m1 = [([0, 1], "abcd,ecd->abe"), ([1, 0], "abe,f->abef")] pre_M1 = multi_tensor_contract( path_m1, M1_2, M1_3, M1_4) pre_M1 = xp.moveaxis(pre_M1, [-2, -1], [-1, -2])[ self.condition(dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton])] M2_1 = xp.einsum('aeag->aeg', second_L) M2_2 = xp.einsum('eccf->ecf', a_oper_isite) M2_3 = xp.einsum('gbbh->gbh', h_mpo_isite) M2_4 = xp.einsum('dfdh->dfh', second_R) path_m2 = [([0, 1], "aeg,gbh->aebh"), ([2, 0], "aebh,ecf->abchf"), ([1, 0], "abhcf,dfh->abcd")] pre_M2 = multi_tensor_contract( path_m2, M2_1, M2_3, M2_2, M2_4) pre_M2 = pre_M2[ self.condition(dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton])] M4_1 = xp.einsum('faah->fah', third_L) M4_4 = xp.einsum('gddi->gdi', third_R) M4_5 = xp.einsum('cc->c', Idt) M4_path = [([0, 1], "fah,febg->ahebg"), ([2, 0], "ahebg,hjei->abgji"), ([1, 0], "abgji,gdi->abjd")] pre_M4 = multi_tensor_contract( M4_path, M4_1, h_mpo_isite, h_mpo_isite, M4_4) pre_M4 = xp.einsum('abbd->abd', pre_M4) pre_M4 = xp.tensordot(pre_M4, M4_5, axes=0) pre_M4 = xp.moveaxis(pre_M4, [2, 3], [3, 2])[ self.condition(dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton])] M_x = lambda x: asnumpy(asxp(x) / (pre_M1 + 2 * pre_M2 + pre_M4 + xp.ones(nonzeros)*self.eta**2)) pre_M = scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((nonzeros, nonzeros), M_x) count = 0 def hop(x): nonlocal count count += 1 dag_struct = asxp(self.dag2mat( xshape, x, dag_qnmat)) if self.method == "1site": M1 = multi_tensor_contract( path_1, first_L, dag_struct, a_oper_isite, a_oper_isite, first_R) M2 = multi_tensor_contract( path_2, second_L, dag_struct, a_oper_isite, h_mpo_isite, second_R) M2 = xp.moveaxis(M2, (1, 2), (2, 1)) M3 = multi_tensor_contract( path_2, third_L, h_mpo_isite, dag_struct, h_mpo_isite, third_R) M3 = xp.moveaxis(M3, (1, 2), (2, 1)) cout = M1 + 2 * M2 + M3 + dag_struct * self.eta**2 cout = cout[ self.condition(dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton]) ] return asnumpy(cout) # Matrix A mat_a = scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((nonzeros, nonzeros), matvec=hop) x, info = mat_a, asnumpy(vecb), tol=1.e-5, x0=asnumpy(guess), maxiter=500, M=pre_M, atol=0) #"linear eq dim: {nonzeros}") #'times for hop:{count}') self.hop_time.append(count) if info != 0: logger.warning( f"cg not converged, vecb.norm:{xp.linalg.norm(vecb)}") l_value =, asxp(x)) - 2 *, asxp(x)) x = self.dag2mat(xshape, x, dag_qnmat) if self.method == "1site": x = np.moveaxis(x, [1, 2], [2, 1]) x, xdim, xqn, compx = self.x_svd( x, xqnbigl, xqnbigr, nexciton, percent=percent) if self.method == "1site": self.cv_mpo[isite - 1] = x if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: if isite != 1: self.cv_mpo[isite - 2] = \ tensordot(self.cv_mpo[isite - 2], compx, axes=(-1, 0)) self.cv_mpo.qn[isite - 1] = xqn self.cv_mpo.qnidx = isite-2 else: self.cv_mpo[isite - 1] = \ tensordot(compx, self.cv_mpo[isite - 1], axes=(-1, 0)) self.cv_mpo.qnidx = 0 else: if isite != len(self.cv_mpo): self.cv_mpo[isite] = \ tensordot(compx, self.cv_mpo[isite], axes=(-1, 0)) self.cv_mpo.qn[isite] = xqn self.cv_mpo.qnidx = isite else: self.cv_mpo[isite - 1] = \ tensordot(self.cv_mpo[isite - 1], compx, axes=(-1, 0)) self.cv_mpo.qnidx = self.cv_mpo.site_num-1 else: if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: self.cv_mpo[isite - 2] = compx self.cv_mpo[isite - 1] = x self.cv_mpo.qnidx = isite-2 else: self.cv_mpo[isite - 2] = x self.cv_mpo[isite - 1] = compx self.cv_mpo.qnidx = isite-1 self.cv_mpo.qn[isite - 1] = xqn return float(l_value)
[docs] def construct_X_qnmat(self, addlist): pbond = self.model.pbond_list xqnl = np.array(self.cv_mpo.qn[addlist[0]]) xqnr = np.array(self.cv_mpo.qn[addlist[-1] + 1]) xqnmat = xqnl.copy() xqnsigmalist = [] for idx in addlist: sigmaqn = self.model.basis[idx].sigmaqn xqnsigma = np.array(list(product(sigmaqn, repeat=2))) xqnsigma = xqnsigma.reshape(pbond[idx], pbond[idx], 2) xqnmat = self.qnmat_add(xqnmat, xqnsigma) xqnsigmalist.append(xqnsigma) xqnmat = self.qnmat_add(xqnmat, xqnr) matshape = list(xqnmat.shape) if self.method == "1site": if xqnmat.ndim == 4: if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: xqnmat = np.moveaxis(xqnmat.reshape(matshape+[1]), -1, -2) else: xqnmat = xqnmat.reshape([1] + matshape) if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: xqnbigl = xqnl.copy() xqnbigr = self.qnmat_add(xqnsigmalist[0], xqnr) if xqnbigr.ndim == 3: rshape = list(xqnbigr.shape) xqnbigr = np.moveaxis(xqnbigr.reshape(rshape+[1]), -1, -2) else: xqnbigl = self.qnmat_add(xqnl, xqnsigmalist[0]) xqnbigr = xqnr.copy() if xqnbigl.ndim == 3: lshape = list(xqnbigl.shape) xqnbigl = xqnbigl.reshape([1] + lshape) else: if xqnmat.ndim == 6: if addlist[0] != 0: xqnmat = np.moveaxis(xqnmat.resahpe(matshape+[1]), -1, -2) else: xqnmat = xqnmat.reshape([1] + matshape) xqnbigl = self.qnmat_add(xqnl, xqnsigmalist[0]) if xqnbigl.ndim == 3: lshape = list(xqnbigl.shape) xqnbigl = xqnbigl.reshape([1] + lshape) xqnbigr = self.qnmat_add(xqnsigmalist[-1], xqnr) if xqnbigr.ndim == 3: rshape = list(xqnbigr.shape) xqnbigr = np.moveaxis(xqnbigr.reshape(rshape + [1]), -1, -2) xshape = list(xqnmat.shape) del xshape[-1] if len(xshape) == 3: if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: xshape = xshape + [1] else: xshape = [1] + xshape return xqnmat, xqnbigl, xqnbigr, xshape
[docs] def swap(self, mat, qnbigl, qnbigr): def inter_change(ori_mat): matshape = ori_mat.shape len_mat = int([:-1]))) ori_mat = ori_mat.reshape(len_mat, 2) change_mat = copy.deepcopy(ori_mat) change_mat[:, 0], change_mat[:, 1] = ori_mat[:, 1], ori_mat[:, 0] return change_mat.reshape(matshape) dag_qnmat = inter_change(mat) if self.method == "1site": dag_qnmat = np.moveaxis(dag_qnmat, [1, 2], [2, 1]) dag_qnbigl = inter_change(qnbigl) dag_qnbigr = inter_change(qnbigr) if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: dag_qnbigr = np.moveaxis(dag_qnbigr, [0, 1], [1, 0]) else: dag_qnbigl = np.moveaxis(dag_qnbigl, [1, 2], [2, 1]) else: raise NotImplementedError # we don't recommend 2-site CV-DMRG, which is a huge cost return dag_qnmat, dag_qnbigl, dag_qnbigr
[docs] def condition(self, mat, qn): condition = (mat == qn) mat_shape = list(condition.shape) del mat_shape[-1] condition = condition.all(axis=-1) condition = condition.reshape(mat_shape) return condition
[docs] def qnmat_add(self, mat_l, mat_r): lshape, rshape = mat_l.shape, mat_r.shape lena = int( / 2) lenb = int( / 2) matl = mat_l.reshape(lena, 2) matr = mat_r.reshape(lenb, 2) lr1 = np.add.outer(matl[:, 0], matr[:, 0]).flatten() lr2 = np.add.outer(matl[:, 1], matr[:, 1]).flatten() lr = np.zeros((len(lr1), 2)) lr[:, 0] = lr1 lr[:, 1] = lr2 shapel = list(mat_l.shape) del shapel[-1] shaper = list(mat_r.shape) del shaper[-1] lr = lr.reshape(shapel + shaper + [2]) return lr
[docs] def dag2mat(self, xshape, x, dag_qnmat): if self.spectratype == "abs": up_exciton, down_exciton = 1, 0 else: up_exciton, down_exciton = 0, 1 xdag = np.zeros(xshape, dtype=x.dtype) mask = self.condition(dag_qnmat, [down_exciton, up_exciton]), mask, x) shape = list(xdag.shape) if xdag.ndim == 3: if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: xdag = xdag.reshape(shape + [1]) else: xdag = xdag.reshape([1] + shape) return xdag
[docs] def x_svd(self, xstruct, xqnbigl, xqnbigr, nexciton, percent=0): Gamma = xstruct.reshape( // 2, // 2) localXqnl = xqnbigl.ravel() localXqnr = xqnbigr.ravel() list_locall = [] list_localr = [] for i in range(0, len(localXqnl), 2): list_locall.append([localXqnl[i], localXqnl[i + 1]]) for i in range(0, len(localXqnr), 2): list_localr.append([localXqnr[i], localXqnr[i + 1]]) localXqnl = copy.deepcopy(list_locall) localXqnr = copy.deepcopy(list_localr) xuset = [] xuset0 = [] xvset = [] xvset0 = [] xsset = [] xsuset0 = [] xsvset0 = [] xqnlset = [] xqnlset0 = [] xqnrset = [] xqnrset0 = [] if self.spectratype == "abs": combine = [[[y, 0], [nexciton - y, 0]] for y in range(nexciton + 1)] elif self.spectratype == "emi": combine = [[[0, y], [0, nexciton - y]] for y in range(nexciton + 1)] for nl, nr in combine: lset = np.where(self.condition(np.array(localXqnl), [nl]))[0] rset = np.where(self.condition(np.array(localXqnr), [nr]))[0] if len(lset) != 0 and len(rset) != 0: Gamma_block = Gamma.ravel().take( (lset * Gamma.shape[1]).reshape(-1, 1) + rset) try: U, S, Vt = \ scipy.linalg.svd(Gamma_block, full_matrices=True, lapack_driver='gesdd') except: U, S, Vt = \ scipy.linalg.svd(Gamma_block, full_matrices=True, lapack_driver='gesvd') dim = S.shape[0] xsset.append(S) # U part quantum number xuset.append( svd_qn.blockrecover(lset, U[:, :dim], Gamma.shape[0])) xqnlset += [nl] * dim xuset0.append( svd_qn.blockrecover(lset, U[:, dim:], Gamma.shape[0])) xqnlset0 += [nl] * (U.shape[0] - dim) xsuset0.append(np.zeros(U.shape[0] - dim)) # V part quantum number VT = Vt.T xvset.append( svd_qn.blockrecover(rset, VT[:, :dim], Gamma.shape[1])) xqnrset += [nr] * dim xvset0.append( svd_qn.blockrecover(rset, VT[:, dim:], Gamma.shape[1])) xqnrset0 += [nr] * (VT.shape[0] - dim) xsvset0.append(np.zeros(VT.shape[0] - dim)) xuset = np.concatenate(xuset + xuset0, axis=1) xvset = np.concatenate(xvset + xvset0, axis=1) xsuset = np.concatenate(xsset + xsuset0) xsvset = np.concatenate(xsset + xsvset0) xqnlset = xqnlset + xqnlset0 xqnrset = xqnrset + xqnrset0 bigl_shape = list(xqnbigl.shape) del bigl_shape[-1] bigr_shape = list(xqnbigr.shape) del bigr_shape[-1] if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: x, xdim, xqn, compx = update_cv( xvset, xsvset, xqnrset, xuset, nexciton, self.m_max, self.spectratype, percent=percent) if (self.method == "1site") and (len(bigr_shape + [xdim]) == 3): return np.moveaxis( x.reshape(bigr_shape + [1] + [xdim]), -1, 0),\ xdim, xqn, compx.reshape(bigl_shape + [xdim]) else: return np.moveaxis(x.reshape(bigr_shape + [xdim]), -1, 0),\ xdim, xqn, compx.reshape(bigl_shape + [xdim]) else: x, xdim, xqn, compx = update_cv( xuset, xsuset, xqnlset, xvset, nexciton, self.m_max, self.spectratype, percent=percent) if (self.method == "1site") and (len(bigl_shape + [xdim]) == 3): return x.reshape([1] + bigl_shape + [xdim]), xdim, xqn, \ np.moveaxis(compx.reshape(bigr_shape + [xdim]), -1, 0) else: return x.reshape(bigl_shape + [xdim]), xdim, xqn, \ np.moveaxis(compx.reshape(bigr_shape + [xdim]), -1, 0)
[docs] def initialize_LR(self): first_LR = [np.ones((1, 1, 1, 1))] forth_LR = [np.ones((1, 1))] for isite in range(1, len(self.cv_mpo)): first_LR.append(None) forth_LR.append(None) first_LR.append(np.ones((1, 1, 1, 1))) second_LR = copy.deepcopy(first_LR) third_LR = copy.deepcopy(first_LR) forth_LR.append(np.ones((1, 1))) if self.cv_mpo.to_right: for isite in range(len(self.cv_mpo), 1, -1): cv_isite = self.cv_mpo[isite-1] dag_cv_isite = moveaxis(cv_isite, (1, 2), (2, 1)) path1 = [([0, 1], "abcd, efga -> bcdefg"), ([3, 0], "bcdefg, hgib -> cdefhi"), ([2, 0], "cdefhi, jikc -> defhjk"), ([1, 0], "defhjk, lkfd -> ehjl")] path2 = [([0, 1], "ab, cdea->bcde"), ([1, 0], "bcde, fedb->cf")] first_LR[isite - 1] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path1, first_LR[isite], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite)) second_LR[isite - 1] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path1, second_LR[isite], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1])) third_LR[isite - 1] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path1, third_LR[isite], self.h_mpo[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1])) forth_LR[isite - 1] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path2, forth_LR[isite], moveaxis(self.b_mpo[isite - 1], (1, 2), (2, 1)), cv_isite)) else: for isite in range(1, len(self.cv_mpo)): cv_isite = self.cv_mpo[isite-1] dag_cv_isite = moveaxis(cv_isite, (1, 2), (2, 1)) path1 = [([0, 1], "abcd, aefg -> bcdefg"), ([3, 0], "bcdefg, bfhi -> cdeghi"), ([2, 0], "cdeghi, chjk -> degijk"), ([1, 0], "degijk, djel -> gikl")] path2 = [([0, 1], "ab, acde->bcde"), ([1, 0], "bcde, bdcf->ef")] first_LR[isite] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path1, first_LR[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite)) second_LR[isite] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path1, second_LR[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1])) third_LR[isite] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path1, third_LR[isite - 1], self.h_mpo[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1])) forth_LR[isite] = asnumpy(multi_tensor_contract( path2, forth_LR[isite - 1], moveaxis(self.b_mpo[isite - 1], (1, 2), (2, 1)), cv_isite)) return [first_LR, second_LR, third_LR, forth_LR]
[docs] def update_LR(self, lr_group, isite): first_LR, second_LR, third_LR, forth_LR = lr_group cv_isite = self.cv_mpo[isite-1] dag_cv_isite = moveaxis(cv_isite, (1, 2), (2, 1)) if self.method == "1site": if not self.cv_mpo.to_right: path1 = [([0, 1], "abcd, efga -> bcdefg"), ([3, 0], "bcdefg, hgib -> cdefhi"), ([2, 0], "cdefhi, jikc -> defhjk"), ([1, 0], "defhjk, lkfd -> ehjl")] path2 = [([0, 1], "ab, cdea->bcde"), ([1, 0], "bcde, fedb->cf")] first_LR[isite - 1] = multi_tensor_contract( path1, first_LR[isite], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite) second_LR[isite - 1] = multi_tensor_contract( path1, second_LR[isite], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1]) third_LR[isite - 1] = multi_tensor_contract( path1, third_LR[isite], self.h_mpo[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1]) forth_LR[isite - 1] = multi_tensor_contract( path2, forth_LR[isite], moveaxis(self.b_mpo[isite - 1], (1, 2), (2, 1)), cv_isite) else: path1 = [([0, 1], "abcd, aefg -> bcdefg"), ([3, 0], "bcdefg, bfhi -> cdeghi"), ([2, 0], "cdeghi, chjk -> degijk"), ([1, 0], "degijk, djel -> gikl")] path2 = [([0, 1], "ab, acde->bcde"), ([1, 0], "bcde, bdcf->ef")] first_LR[isite] = multi_tensor_contract( path1, first_LR[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite) second_LR[isite] = multi_tensor_contract( path1, second_LR[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, self.a_oper[isite - 1], cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1]) third_LR[isite] = multi_tensor_contract( path1, third_LR[isite - 1], self.h_mpo[isite - 1], dag_cv_isite, cv_isite, self.h_mpo[isite - 1]) forth_LR[isite] = multi_tensor_contract( path2, forth_LR[isite - 1], moveaxis(self.b_mpo[isite - 1], (1, 2), (2, 1)), cv_isite) else: # 2site for finite temperature is too expensive, so I drop it # (at least for now) raise NotImplementedError return first_LR, second_LR, third_LR, forth_LR